
今日主題:Chimp Chatter Now up for Eavesdropping

洪欣老師推薦:托福聽力最好的課外教材:60-Second Science

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Everybody loves chimps…especially their endearing entreaties. [sound] Scientists, too, love to listen to chimps chat. [sound] And they enjoy sharing these colorful commentaries with their colleagues. [sound] Now, anyone with a hankering for primate prattle can listen in. Because researchers from the Netherlands have made available online a digitized catalog of more than 10 hours' worth of chimpanzee calls. The recordings are described in a new journal, published by Nature, called Scientific Data. [Frans X. Plooij et al:Longitudinal recordings of the vocalizations of immature Gombe chimpanzees for developmental studies]
每個人都喜歡黑猩猩,尤其是他們讓人憐愛的乞求。科學家們也喜歡聽黑猩猩聊天,並且還喜歡和他們的同事分享黑猩猩之間的精彩評論。現在,任何渴望聽黑猩猩 聊天的人都可以去聽。因為荷蘭研究人員已經將黑猩猩之間的聊天內容製成10個多小時的數字化音頻。關於該錄音音頻的內容被發表在「自然」雜誌公司新出版的 《科學數據》雜誌中。

The audio, which includes more than 1,000 separate data files, was captured in the early 1970s by the late Hetty van de Rijt-Plooij. She recorded the various screams, barks, and hoo calls made by a group of chimps, including 17 youngsters, living in the wild in the Gombe National Park in Tanzania.
該音頻包括1000多個獨立的數據文件,是已故的Hetty van de Rijt-Plooij在20世紀70年代所錄製的。Hetty van de Rijt-Plooij記錄了一群猩猩的各種尖叫、鳴叫和呼叫,在坦桑尼亞貢貝國家公園有17只年幼的黑猩猩。

Van de Rijt-Plooij and her husband Frans Plooij were planning to study how chimp vocalizations change over the life of an individual. But they ended up focusing on how baby chimps behave, so their extensive recordings have remained largely unexplored.
Van de Rijt-Plooij和其丈夫Frans Plooij在當時本來打算去研究單個黑猩猩個體的發音是如何隨著成長而改變發音的。但是他們最後將關注點放在年幼黑猩猩的表現上。因此,他們所錄下的大量錄音中的大部分是沒有被研究過的。

One thing that pops out of this collection is that immature chimps grunt more than their adult counterparts [sound]. Which suggests that you don't want to talk to baby Bonzo before he's had his morning banana smoothie.
—Karen Hopkin


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