在直觀感受上, A選項是有點特殊的,因為它被代入了題幹,與不劃線的部分連成一體。所以,給考生形成了A代人後的句子代表了”原句“的錯覺。實際上,我們完全可以把一道GMAT語法題目看做一道填空題,即,題幹的劃線部分是blank,你有5種選擇,需要從5種選擇中選擇一個填入這個blank。換言之,5個選項的地位是平等的。
很簡單 ,必須承認,雖然我們經常強調“意合”,但是即便在新PREP中,5個選項意思都徹底不同的,畢竟是少數,更多的意思不同,都是體現在局部。更別說N年前 BY等前輩賴以分析的樣本了。所以,在那個年代的GMAT題目中,A選項和其它選項意思有差別的概率本來就很小,那是一個關注結構的年代。也許因為這樣,為了在授課時候能多填充點內容,這些前輩才給出這條荒謬之極的“不改變原意”規律。
The Environmental Protection Agency’s proposal to place restrictions on both diesel fuel and diesel engines has sparked a counterattack by the oil industry, saying that the move will exacerbate the nation’s fuel supply problems。
A. on both diesel fuel and diesel engines has sparked a counterattack by the oil industry, saying
B. on both diesel fuel and engines have sparked the oil industry to counterattack, and they say
C. on both diesel fuel and diesel engines has sparked a counterattack by the oil industry, which says
D. both on diesel fuel and engines has sparked the oil industry to a counterattack, saying
E. both on diesel fuel and diesel engines have sparked the oil industry to counterattack, and it says
C和A的區別是?就是say這個動作到底是industry發出,還是全句的主語proposal 發出。這個時候不能根據A認為是saying,就把其它選項殺掉,而應該根據全句的句意,判斷說出這話的應該是industry,因為proposal不會自己反對自己,只有石油工業才會反對那個限制柴油機使用的proposal。這背後的判斷標準是什麼?就是傳說中的邏輯,動作發出者與動作的合理對應。
The ability of scientists to provide models of the atmosphere's complex responses to changing conditions, like seasonal and daily cycles or different planetary conjunctions, have become ever more accurate。
(A) The ability of scientists to provide models of the atmosphere's complex responses to changing conditions, like seasonal and daily cycles or different planetary conjunctions, have become ever more accurate。
(B) The ability of scientists has become ever more accurate in providing models of the atmosphere's complex responses to changing conditions, such as seasonal and daily cycles or different planetary conjunctions。
(C) Scientists have become able to provide ever more accurate models of the atmosphere's complex responses to such changing conditions as seasonal and daily cycles or different planetary conjunctions。
(D) Scientists have become ever more accurate in their ability for providing models of the atmosphere's complex responses to changing conditions, like seasonal and daily cycles or different planetary conjunctions.
(E) Scientists' ability to provide models of the atmosphere's complex responses to such changing conditions as seasonal and daily cycles or different planetary conjunctions have become ever more accurate。
請注意在每個選項裡面accurate的修飾物件, ABE是能力, D是科學家, C是模型。不比不知道,一比就清楚,應該修飾的是模型。這道題目屬於選項意思之間差異較大的,但確定哪個意思正確,也不是依靠所謂的“原句”,而是修飾和被修飾者的合理對應。