♮♮ 龍舟 [lóngzhōu] ♮♮
dragon boat
imperial boat
dragon [drægәn]
boat [bәut]
n.小船,艇 v.划船
◎ 單字龍舟的中英文例句與用法
● 划龍舟時每個人都拿著一枝槳。
In dragon boat rowing each person has one oar.
● 2004巨川杯中國天津塘沽國際大學生龍舟邀請賽暨海河旅遊節開幕式現在開始。
The opening ceremony for2004juchuan cup china tianjin tanggu international college student dragon boat invitational tournament and haihe tourism festival now commence.
● 端午節最令人期盼的活動便是划龍舟,臺灣各地的主要河川在當天都會舉行盛大的龍舟競賽,選手們隨著隆隆的鼓聲,奮力向前划,在精彩激烈的賽程中,這傳統的習俗得以不斷的延續。
Dragon boat festival most makes the activity which one hoped for then is delimits the dragon boat the taiwan each place main river in the same day can be held the grand dragon boat race the contestants along with rumble the drum sound furiously delimits to front in the splendid intense competition schedule this traditional custom can unceasing continuing.
● 在節日期間,還有許多極富民族特色的活動,如鬥雞、龍舟賽等。
During the festival there are also many cultural activities like cockfighting the dragon boat race etc.
● 在距端午節還有20天之際,延慶縣今天舉行了隆重的龍舟下水儀式。
From the festival in20days yanqing county today held a grand launching ceremony for the dragon boat.
● 霍震霆會長親臨比賽場地為龍舟隊運動員打氣。
The hon.timothy fok president of sf& oc pumped up the dragon boat team in the venue.
● 香港龍舟隊運動員在賽中全力以赴。
The dragon boat team competed with all their strengths in the competition.
● 信號彈劃過上空,龍舟奪標開始了。
As the starter's gun booms the boats spring into action.