


曾經有人問過一位前任雅思考官,在口說考試中是否真的有印象分,他沒說‘Yes’or‘No’,但回答同樣耐人尋味,‘Well, we will judge a candidate’s level strictly according to the marking criteria, but we would feel happy with those who understand how to communicate in a polite and delightful way.’ 可見,如果善於使用一些委婉性的表達,通過句式的變化將要表達的意思烘托或暗示給考官,不僅讓考官在整個過程中感到舒適,也相應的消除了自己的緊張情緒。


很多人口說非常流利,但有的句子說出來卻令人不悅,比如有的話題讓我們表達不滿意的事或物,比如‘Describe a subject you dislike’或‘Describe a movie you dislike’,很多人直接這樣回答,‘We are unhappy with that movie.’或 ‘We are dissatisfied with that subject. ’,其實,我們完全可以換一種更加禮貌的方式,‘I'm sorry but we're not very happy with that movie.’或 ‘We're not completely satisfied.’。


雅思口說中還有很多話題談及我們的需要,很多人直接用 ‘want’ 來表達自己的需求,比如, ‘I want to listen some English songs.’, 稍作改動為‘I would need some sort of English songs when I am free’顯得更加婉轉; 另外,當提出某種建議時,有的人會說 ‘The government must improve the environment nowadays.’, 在這裡直接用‘must’這個小詞就顯得太過生硬,可以改成 ‘We were rather hoping to improve the environment nowadays.’


另外,在Part 3中考官會和學生根據Part 2的相關內容進行討論,也會詢問學生對某件事的態度或觀點,比如‘Do you think the traffic in your country will get better in the future?’, ‘Do you think playing computer games do more harm than good to children?’, 許多人在表達‘不同意’時會非常直接的說, ‘I won't agree to this.’ 或者 ‘I can’t accept it.’。如果換一種句式,就會顯得更加有禮貌,比如 ‘I find it somewhat difficult to agree to.’或者 ‘Unfortunately, we would be unable to tolerate that. ’  從上面的幾個例子也不難看出,改動後的句子變得更加委婉,讓考官聽起來也會覺得順耳。在社會語言學中,委婉的語言是日常交際中很重要的組成部分,這也是西方人回答問題和表達自己觀點時常用的說話方式。




1. 多用情態動詞
比如would, should, could, might來表示自己的態度,看法、建議或忠告,比如:
◆ Without relaxation, our life might be sharply shortened. 沒有休息,生命也許會縮短。
◆ But if they watch TV too much, their eyes would be seriously hurt and they might be distracted from their study。如果看電視過多,他們的眼睛或許會嚴重受損,也會分散學習的精力。
◆ Umm, it could be anything, like punctured tires, diversions of traffic, sudden descent of fog… … 嗯,任何情況(都可以導致遲到),比如爆胎,交通變道,大霧……


2. 在句首可用maybe/perhaps, unfortunately, unluckily, I'm afraid, I’m not sure..., I doubt…提出建議、請求或表示反駁、反對等。
◆ Maybe I should eat more vegetables to keep a healthy diet. 或許我應該吃更多的水果來保持健康的飲食。
◆ Perhaps there’s another side of the question. 也許這個問題還有另一種情況。
◆ I am afraid children would be addicted to online games and put their study aside. 我擔心孩子們會對網路遊戲上癮,把學業擱置一邊。


3.大量使用not very / quite, rather, somewhat, slightly, sort of、a little bit,或者使用否定句型代替直接性的否定詞彙,比如not completely,not very等來軟化絕對和強硬的語氣,給人一種正面的感覺。


◆ That’s not quite reasonable, I guess. 我想,那樣不太合理吧!
◆ Dogs, it seems, love to chew up cash money. 狗看起來喜歡咀嚼紙幣。
◆ Rainy days often cause too much inconvenience to people’s daily lives, isn’t it? 下雨天會給人們的日常生活帶來很多不便,不是嗎?

    創作者 字神帝國英語天地 的頭像


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