今日主題:Graying Parent Care Falls to Daughters, Not Sons
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Daughters of aging parents, be aware: you and your sisters spend twice as much time caring for your graying parents compared with your brothers: about seven more hours each month. That new snapshot of how adult children share parent care comes from a study by Princeton doctoral student Angelina Grigoryeva. She presented her research at a recent meeting of American Sociological Association in San Francisco. [Angelina Grigoryeva: When Gender Trumps Everything: The Division of Parent Care among Siblings]
如果你的父母漸入年邁,作為女兒,你要意識到:相比你們的兄弟,你和你的姐妹在照顧你們年邁的父母上,所花費的時間要比他們多一倍,每個月大約7個多小時。該見解來自普林斯頓大學博士生Angelina Grigoryeva的一項研究。Angelina Grigoryeva在美國舊金山社會學協會的最近一次會議上提出了她的這項研究。
The data originated from the 2004 portion of the Health and Retirement Survey, a national study that samples more than 26,000 Americans over the age of 50 every couple of years. The research reveals that women appear to provide as much elderly parent care as their jobs and family responsibilities will allow, while men's care giving decisions appear to be largely based on whether or not they believe a female sibling can shoulder the responsibility. You can find more 60-Second Health on chinavoa.com.
這個數據來源於2004年的「健康與退休調查問卷」,這是一次全國性的調查研究,對26000多名50歲以上的美國公民所進行的問卷,每隔幾年就開展一 次。研究表明:在自身工作和家庭責任允許的情況下,女性似乎在儘可能的更多的照顧年邁的父母,而男性在決定是否照顧其年邁的父母時,卻在很大程度上基於自己的姐妹是否能夠承擔起照顧父母的責任。
Grigoryeva writes that the findings are particularly concerning since women already more often take on other 「invisible」 domestic work compared with men. Of course, not all families have children of both sexes. But as a rule, Grigoryeva writes, 「Sons reduce their relative care giving efforts when they have a sister, while daughters increase it when they have a brother.」 —Dina Fine Maron