
今日主題:Does your CV shine? 你的簡歷出類拔萃嗎?

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Hello, I'm Rob. Welcome to 6 Minute English. With me in the studio today is Neil. Hello, Neil!
Hello there, Rob!
Now I bet you have an impressive CV, Neil.CV is short for curriculum vitae - that's a Latin expression we use for the document in which people list their work history, education, interests and abilities.In other parts of the English-speaking world it's called a resume. Now, Neil, I know you are a very good teacher and producer, but does your CV actually shine?
Neil,我覺得你有個讓人印象深刻的簡歷。CV是curriculum vitae的縮寫,curriculum vitae是拉丁文,表示人們列出工作歷程、受教育程度、興趣愛好和個人能力的文件。在其他一些英語國家,也稱之為resume,即簡歷。恩,Neil, 我知道你善於教導和產出,你的簡歷是不是讓人眼前一亮呢?
Well, I hope it's good enough to impress hiring managers.But it's a challenge to prove on a piece of paper or online document that you're really better than the other people who are competing for the same position.
Today we're talking about CVs and you'll learn some words related to this topic, which will especially interest jobseekers - that's what we call people looking for work.
Yes, and jobseekers have to worry about having an impressive CV so they get that call for a job interview.
Yes, the CV is just the beginning. And, as you mentioned job interviews, I'll ask you a question all about this. According to a recent survey, managers decide quite quickly if they're going to really consider giving a candidate a job or not. So, when you go for a job interview how long do you have, on average, to make a good enough impression for an employer to hire you?Do you have…a) Less than 3 minutesb) Less than 5 minutes c) Less than 10 minutes
嗯,個人簡歷只是一個開始。就像你提到的,我想問你一個有關這個方面的問題。就最近的調查而言,經理們在他們想決定一個職位的候選人的時候的考慮時間非常 短。那麼,當你去競爭一個職位時,你覺得給你多少時間才能給面試官留下一個深刻的印象呢?選項有:a)不到三分鐘b)不到五分鐘c)不到10分鐘
Well, I think it's probably quite short so I'm going to go for: (b) 5 minutes.
Well, you'll have the correct answer - the result of this survey - at the end of the programme.But people have done all sorts of unusual things to reach the interview level.One of them is Briton Daniel Conway, who went from posing shirtless in the street with the phrase "employ me" written on his chest to uploading a video on social media asking to be hired.
本期節目最後將揭曉正確答案。但是求職者利用各種手段達到提升自己的面試水平。其中之一就是Briton Daniel Conway。他在面試街上一家傳媒公司時就穿了一件在胸前印有「雇我吧」的T恤來提高自己被僱傭的幾率。
Ah, this video went?viral?- it means became popular very quickly. In it his daughter appears next to the phrase "give my dad a job".
Yes. Daniel Conway tells us about his experience looking for work.Which word does he use when he says he wanted to be noticed?
嗯, Daniel Conway講述了他的求職經歷。那當他想被注意的時候他會用什麼詞呢?
【Daniel Conway, former jobseeker】I just thought as a young naive kid that I would kind of walk into a job, but the truth is, you know, there are a lot of good people out there who got just as great skills and I realised at that point that you've got to stand out and get your strengths across.
【Daniel Conway,曾經求職者】當我年輕天真的時候,我以為找工作很容易輕易就能找到一個工作,但實際上,你懂的,面試時有很多競爭對手,他們有很多厲害的本領,我在那一刻意識到我必須脫穎而出才能成功。
He uses the phrasal verb to stand out - it means to be more visible than others in a group so that he can be noticed.
Dan Conway uses another phrasal verb: get your strengths across - to get something across means to make something clear. In this case he wants the employer to understand how good he is as a potential employee, his strengths and his good qualities.
Dan Conway用另一個動詞短語:發現你的長處在這個案例中他想讓僱傭者明白他是一個有潛力的職員。他有長處和好品質。
And did he get a job?
Well, yes, he did. And I'm glad to say that after four years this 29-year-old man got a job marketing vitamins!
Well, we can say that he was good at marketing himself.
Yes, we can. Well, he was bold and courageous in his attempts to catch potential employers' attention.He showed a quality described by career coach Corinne Mills. Listen to what she says and tell me: what is the quality jobseekers have to show for sure.
是的,他有勇氣來嘗試吸引僱主的注意力。他表現出了Corinne Mills規劃師所說的品質。來聽聽她怎麼講,什麼品質是一個求職者需要展現的?
【Corinne Mills, MD - Personal Career Management】You've got to be confident! I mean, if you are not confident about your skills and abilities, then why should an employer have faith in you? So, don't be modest. This is your opportunity to really show your skills and experience and what a great performer you're gonna be in the job.
【Corinne Mills,馬里蘭州,個人職業生涯規劃師】你必須自信。這指的是,如果你自己都對自己沒有信心,怎麼可能讓僱主對你有信心呢?因此,不能謙虛,求職是展現個人技能和經驗的機會,只有表現出眾者才能斬獲職位。
The career coach says you've got to be confident! It means self-assured, believe in your capacity to do things.And sometimes we feel that it isn't nice to say "I'm very good at this" or "I'm wonderful at that" but she advises you not to be modest.
Exactly. Modest means humble, moderate when talking about your abilities.
You know, Rob, I've got some top tips for people writing their CV.
OK, well, let's have them.
Yes. Here is the first one: you have to be concise - it means brief, give the information in a few words.Maybe you could write a brief profile at the top and keep the CV to just two pages.
Thank you. That's a good bit of advice. And I think you should give evidence of success in previous jobs. If a presentation you did helped you to get a client you should include it there.And be accurate, in other words, be precise and tell the truth. Don't invent things.
And you should also remember to check your spelling and grammar!
Yes, that's very important! Well, we wish everybody success when writing and sending out their CV, and we hope they are called for a job interview, in which they have a very short period of time to leave a good impression…
Indeed! So how long after all is this period of time, according to your survey? Did I get the answer to the question you asked at the beginning of the programme right?
Well, I asked you: how long do you have on average to make a good enough impression for an employer to hire you? Do you have less than 3 minutes, less than 5 minutes or less than 10 minutes?
And I said less than 5 minutes.
And you're wrong. The correct answer is actually less than 10 minutes, so you'd have a little bit longer. Jobseekers have on average just six minutes and 25 seconds during the first meeting to impress potential employers. That's according to a new study from the website monster.co.uk. And we're almost out of time. So let's remember some of the words we said today, Neil.
CV (curriculum vitae)
to stand out
get your strengths across

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