▶based on the author’s objectives: Exposition 說明
▶Argumentation 論證
▶Historical biographical/event narrative 陳述
Reading purposes include 閱讀目的包含
(一) Reading to find information, which involves 尋找資訊
● effectively scanning text for key facts and important information 有效流覽重要信息
● increasing reading fluency and rate 提高閱讀速度
(二) Basic comprehension, which requires the reader to 基本理解
● understand the general topic or main idea, major points, important facts and details, vocabulary in context, and pronoun references. 理解大意和重點
● make inferences about what is implied in a passage 理解文章言下之意
(三) Reading to learn, which depends on the ability to 學習如何閱讀
● recognize the organization and purpose of a passage 理解文章目的和組織結構
● understand relationships between ideas (for example, compare-and-contrast, cause-and-effect, agree-disagree, or steps in a process) 理解觀點之間的聯繫
● organize information into a category chart or a summary in order to recall major points and important details 總結資訊,回顧重點
● infer how ideas throughout the passage connect 文章觀點如何聯繫起來的