 今日主題:The world this week-Politics  本周政治新聞

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The world this week-Politics

In a surprise move, Vladimir Putin announced that he was withdrawing the bulk of Russian forces from Syria, six months after he sent them there to support his beleaguered ally, Bashar al-Assad. The same day, UN-chaired peace talks aimed at bringing an end to the five-year war began in Geneva. A ceasefire that came into force three weeks ago has largely held.
弗拉基米爾•普京做出驚人之舉,宣佈將撤回駐紮在敘利亞的俄羅斯主力部隊。當日,聯合國主持的和平會談在日內瓦召開,該和談旨在結束敘利亞的五年戰爭。三 個星期前,敘利亞交戰雙方大規模停火。六個月前,俄羅斯駐兵敘利亞向其被圍困的盟友巴沙爾•阿薩德(Bashar al-Assad)提供援助。

Gunmen attacked three hotels in Grand Bassam, a seaside town 40km from the capital of Ivory Coast. The attack, which left 18 people dead, was claimed by al-Qaeda's north Africa branch.
三家位於大巴薩姆(Grand Bassam)的酒店遭槍襲,18人死亡。基地組織(al-Qaeda)北非分支宣佈對此負責。大巴薩姆距象牙海岸(Ivory Coast)的首都40公里。

South Africa's deputy finance minister, Mcebisi Jonas, claimed that he was offered the job of finance minister by members of the Gupta family, who have close ties to President Jacob Zuma. The Guptas, who own a wide range of businesses, have denied this.
南非副財長約拿斯(Mcebisi Jonas)發聲明稱古普塔(Gupta)家族的成員曾向自己提供財長一職,這些成員和南非總統雅各•祖馬(Jacob Zuma)關係密切。古普塔家族對此進行否認,該家族業務廣泛。

An audit of Nigeria's state-owned oil company found that in 2014 it failed to pay $16 billion in oil receipts to the national government.

Marco Rubio pulled out of the Republican presidential nomination race after coming a poor second to Donald Trump in the primary in Florida, Mr Rubio's home state. John Kasich won the contest in Ohio, his home state, and remains in the race, as does Ted Cruz. On the Democratic side Hillary Clinton thrashed Bernie Sanders in the week's primaries.
在黨內初選中,馬克羅•魯比奧(Marco Rubio)在其家鄉佛羅里達州慘敗於唐納德•特朗普(Donald Trump)而位居第二名,隨後他宣佈退出共和黨總統候選人選舉。約翰•凱西奇(John Kasich)贏得其家鄉俄亥俄州的支持,他和泰德•克魯茲(Ted Cruz)仍繼續參加競選。民主黨方面,希拉蕊•克林頓( Hillary Clinton)在本周的黨內初選中連勝伯尼•桑德斯( Bernie Sanders)。

Mr Trump's campaign was dogged again by racially tinged clashes at his rallies. He had to cancel an event in Chicago after protesters fought with his supporters. Mr Trump said later that if the Republican hierarchy tried to wrest the nomination away from him at July's convention there would be “riots” in the streets.

Barack Obama nominated Merrick Garland, a federal appeals-court judge, to replace the late Antonin Scalia on the Supreme Court. Senate Republicans say they won't confirm his nomination; they want the vacancy to be filled by the next president, who won't take office until January.
巴拉克•奧巴馬(Barack Obama)任命聯邦上訴法院法官梅裡克•加蘭(Merrick Garland)接替過世法官安東甯•斯卡利亞(Antonin Scalia)在最高法院的職位。參議院共和黨人表示不會同意該任命,他們希望等明年一月新總統上任後,再任命該空缺職位的繼任。

Myanmar's parliament elected Htin Kyaw as the country's next president, the first civilian leader after more than 50 years of control by the army. He is close to Aung San Suu Kyi, whose National League for Democracy won elections in November. Ms Suu Kyi is barred by the constitution from taking the job, but says she will be the effective ruler.
緬甸議會選舉吳廷覺(Htin Kyaw)為緬甸下一任總統,他將是自軍隊掌控緬甸政權50多年來的首位平民領袖。吳廷覺和昂山素季(Aung San Suu Kyi)的關係很密切。去年十一月份,昂山素季領導的民主聯盟贏得大選。儘管受憲法限制,昂山素季無法擔任總統,但她表示自己將會是一個有影響力的領導 者。

A court in North Korea sentenced an American student, Otto Warmbier, to 15 years' hard labour for crimes against the state. He was found guilty of trying to steal a propaganda banner from a hotel.
朝鮮法庭以顛覆國家罪判處美國學生奧托•弗雷德里克(Otto Warmbier)15年勞動教養。該學生曾從酒店中偷走一面宣傳標語旗幟。

At the end of its meeting, China's rubber-stamp parliament, the National People's Congress, approved a new five-year plan for the country's development, which calls for average annual GDP growth of at least 6.5%. The prime minister, Li Keqiang, told reporters that China would press ahead with “structural reforms” to boost market forces and said the government would try to find new jobs for those laid off.


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