☑ Red bell peppers紅甜椒 ♡
When it comes to vitamin C, one red bell pepper serves up more than twice the vitamin C you need in a day. Vitamin C keeps your skin smooth and healthy by helping you make more collagen, which is essential for firm, strong skin.
☑ Oatmeal燕麥 ♡
Oatmeal is rich in soluble fiber, which reduces cholesterol in your bloodstream. It's also full of fiber, so it can help control those mid-morning cravings.
燕麥含豐富可溶性纖維,減少血流裡的膽固醇。 富含纖維,有助控制上午的進食欲望。
☑ Canned salmon罐裝鮭魚 ♡
Canned salmon is also a tremendous source of heart-friendly omega-3 fats -- and many brands pack theirs without bones or skin, making it an incredibly convenient option. It keeps for a long time on the shelf, so you can always store it in your pantry to whip up a quick salmon salad for lunch.
罐裝鮭魚也是有益心臟的歐米伽-3脂肪來源,很多品牌包裝的鮭魚都去骨去皮,是超級方便的選擇。 保存期限很長,所以可以一直儲存在食品櫃裡,午飯的時候拿出來做個鮭魚沙拉簡餐。
☑ Low-sodium vegetable juice低鈉蔬菜汁 ♡
Low-sodium vegetable juices are usually jammed with vitamins A and C, plus potassium, not to mention the fact that they're low in sugar and calories.
☑ Dates棗子 ♡
Dates are also loaded with fiber, vitamin A, potassium, iron, fluorine, and B vitamins. Nicknamed "nature's candy," dates are wildly easy to digest, providing instant energy.
☑ Ginger生薑 ♡
Ginger may not be anything special to look at, but it's got a hunk of health benefits. Ginger has long been used to combat all kinds of gastrointestinal distress, and its flavor is pretty amazing, too.
☑ Olive oil橄欖油 ♡
The heart-protective olive oil is made up of monounsaturated fats. Research shows that olive oil's oleic acid can even help lower blood pressure.
☑ Peanuts花生 ♡
A perfect food for vegetarians and vegans, who can sometimes struggle to find folate sources, peanuts are also high in the antioxidant vitamin E.