
今日主題:Brain Rhythms Sync to Musical Beat

洪欣老師推薦:托福聽力最好的課外教材:60-Second Science

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While listening to music, you might find yourself tapping your foot or bobbing your head to the beat. What you might not have expected is that as you listen to your favorite tune, the rhythms in your brain also follow along.

Brain rhythms arise when large groups of neurons fire together. Previous studies have shown that listening to someone talk can elicit such activity. Now research reveals that brain rhythms also synchronize with musical sequences. And musical training can enhance this ability. The study is in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

Magnetoencelphalography, or MEG, is a technique that measures the tiny magnetic fields generated by brain activity. Researchers used MEG to compare the brains of musicians and non-musicians while the subjects tried to detect small changes in pitch during short clips of classical piano music by composers like Bach, Beethoven and Brahms. The trained musicians, not surprisingly, tracked the pitch changes better.MEG技術,可測量大腦活動產生的微小磁場。研究人員使用MEG技術來比擬,音樂家以及非音樂人士的大腦。通過傾聽巴特、貝多芬以及布拉姆斯等作曲家的簡短的古典音樂片段,實驗對象們試圖識別音高的小變化。不出意外,受訓的音樂家能更準確地跟踪音高的變化。

When it came to tempo, musicans and nonmusicians alike synched their brains to the music—when the music had more than one note per second. But when faced with slower tempos, only the brains of musicians synched up.

Because speech and music share similar brain networks, it's possible that musical training thus could also improve linguistic abilities. So pick up your instrument of choice and play away—you might not feel it, but your brainwaves will dance along to your favorite song.


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