 今日主題:French political fiction-- What if it were true?  法國政治小說--如有雷同,純屬巧合?

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French political fiction-- What if it were true?

When truth really is stranger than fiction

ONE pleasure of the French summer is the publication of political fiction in media usually busy with the soap opera of real political life. During the holidays, reporters let their imaginations run wild. Improbable alliances, liaisons and betrayals are invented. Le Figaro, a conservative newspaper, ran a 17-part fictional series in August entitled “Hollande departs”.L'Opinion, another daily, ran a 14-part series originally called “The kidnapping of Arnaud Montebourg”.
法國夏日的樂趣之一---媒體相傳的政治小說通常都是取自於真正政治鬧劇或政界風雲。在假日裡,記者們讓自己自由馳騁在想像的大草原上。他們構造出不可能 的聯盟、夥伴和對手。保守派報刊費加羅報在8月連載了一部17期的系列小說《奧德朗的離開》。另一份觀點日報則連載了一部14期的原創小說《阿諾德•蒙特 博的綁架》。

Other countries turn out political drama, from America's “House of Cards” to Denmark's “Borgen”. But the French seem keen on fiction based on real characters. In recent years directors have made films about serving, or recently active, politicians, including “La conquete”, a fictional portrayal of the rise to power of Nicolas Sarkozy, the former president. “Quai d'Orsay” was an entertaining glimpse into theatrics at the foreign office under a fictitious Dominique de Villepin, a former foreign minister.
從美國的《紙牌屋》到丹麥的《博根》,其他國家也有政治題材的電視劇。但是似乎只有法國尤其喜歡基於真實人物的作品。近些年導演們只做了一些關於服役、近 期政治動作或政客的電影,包括《征服》。這部電影虛構的描述了前總統尼古拉斯•薩爾科齊的崛起。《奧爾賽碼頭》則是對虛構的前外交部長多明尼克•德維爾潘 手下的外交部做了一個有趣的窺探。

Television does it too. A French series, “L'Ecole du Pouvoir”, followed five characters who met at the elite Ecole Nationale d'Administration in the late 1970s, ahead of the election of a Socialist president, Fran?ois Mitterrand, in 1981. One seemed rather like Fran?ois Hollande, the incumbent; another resembled Ségolène Royal, his classmate, former partner and defeated 2007 presidential candidate.
電視媒體也很熱衷政治劇。一部名為《學院權利》的電視劇講述了19世紀70年代末在精英學校國家行政學院相遇的5名主角的故事。劇中背景為1981年,正 值社會主義總統弗朗索瓦•密特朗當選前。其中一名主角就像現總統弗朗索瓦•奧朗德,另一個就像他的同學塞格琳•羅雅爾。羅亞爾也是奧朗德的前女友,但她在 2007年總統候選人選舉中落選。

French publishers also like the stuff, although more often as apocalyptic futurism. Recent titles include “La nuit de la faillite”, a racy thriller by Gaspard Koenig, a former speechwriter for Christine Lagarde when she was finance minister, in which he imagines a New York trader provoking a default on French sovereign debt. Nicolas Baverez, a lawyer and writer, recently published “Lettres béninoises”, a novel set in a dystopian 2040 France.
法國出版商也很喜歡這種題材,儘管這類作品經常被當做世界末日的預警。最近一些作品名,例如加斯帕德•科尼戈的生動驚悚片《夜間破產》。他是克莉絲蒂娜• 拉加德就任財政部長期間的前演講稿攥稿人。在影片中他想像紐約以拖欠國債來挑釁法國。律師兼作家尼古拉斯•巴維萊茲最近出版了一部小說《貝南的文學》,其 背景設定在2040反烏托邦的法國。

Why the passion for political fiction? The truth in French politics is often as strange as, or stranger than, such musings. A summer 2013 series in Le Figaro imagined Mr Valls as prime minister; in 2014 it happened. And in “The kidnapping of Arnaud Montebourg”, also penned by Mr Koenig, a group of libertarians snatch the former minister to stop him damaging France. The series was still running when Mr Montebourg was evicted from the government for criticising its economic policy
為何媒體如此熱衷於政治小說呢?事實上,法國政治經常與這種小說思路一樣奇特,有時甚至更甚。2013年夏天《奧朗德的離開》中虛構瓦爾斯擔任總理,結果 2014年這變為現實。在科尼戈所著的《阿諾德•蒙特博的綁架》中,一群自由主義者抓了前任部長以阻止他繼續破壞法國。這部劇集在蒙特伯格因批評政府的經 濟政策而被逐出政府時仍在播映。

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