今日主題:Leaders--Imperial ambitions 社論精粹--帝國野心
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Leaders--Imperial ambitions
Mark Zuckerberg prepares to fight for dominance of the next era of computing
NOT since the era of imperial Rome has the “thumbs-up” sign been such a potent and public symbol of power. A mere 12 years after it was founded, Facebook is a great empire with a vast population, immense wealth, a charismatic leader, and mind-boggling reach and influence. The world's largest social network has 1.6 billion users, a billion of whom use it every day for an average of over 20 minutes each. In the Western world, Facebook accounts for the largest share of the most popular activity (social networking) on the most widely used computing devices (smartphones); its various apps account for 30% of mobile internet use by Americans. And it is the sixth-most-valuable public company on Earth, worth some $325 billion.
自羅馬帝國時代以來,“豎起大拇指”這一手勢就成為了公開且有力的權力象徵。成立僅十二年之後,Facebook已成為一個偉大的帝國,人口眾多、財富無 數、領袖魅力非凡,且影響力和影響範圍令人難以想像。這一全球最大的社交網路擁有16億使用者,其中十億每天平均使用時間超過20分鐘。在西方世 界,Facebook在最廣泛使用的計算設備(智慧手機)上的最受歡迎的活動(社交網路)中所占份額最大;它各種各樣的應用占美國人移動互聯網使用的 30%。它是全球市值第六大的上市公司,價值3250億美元。
Even so, Mark Zuckerberg, Facebook's 31-year-old founder and chief executive, has even greater ambitions. He has plans to connect the digitally unconnected in poor countries by beaming internet signals from solar-powered drones, and is making big bets on artificial intelligence (AI), “chatbots” and virtual reality (VR). This bid for dominance will bring him into increasing conflict with the other great empires of the technology world, and Google in particular. The ensuing battle will shape the digital future for everyone.
即便如此,31歲的Facebook創始人及首席執行官馬克•紮克伯格(Mark Zuckerberg)仍有更宏偉的志向。他計畫用太陽能供電的無人機發送互聯網信號,以連接貧困國家尚未連入數字世界的人,他在人工智慧(AI)、聊天 機器人和虛擬實境(VR)上押下重注。對統治地位的競逐會令他和科技世界其他偉大帝國之間的衝突不斷增加,尤其是同谷歌之間。今後的戰鬥將為每個人塑造數 位化的未來。
Facebook has prospered by building compelling services that attract large audiences, whose attention can then be sold to advertisers. The same is true of Google. The two play different roles in their users' lives: Google has masses of data about the world, whereas Facebook knows about you and your friends; you go to Google to get things done, but turn to Facebook when you have time to kill. Yet their positions of dominance and their strategies are becoming remarkably similar. Unparalleled troves of data make both firms difficult to challenge and immensely profitable, giving them the wealth to make bold bets and to deal with potential competitors by buying them. And both firms crave more users and more data—which, for all the do-gooding rhetoric, explains why they are both so interested in extending internet access in the developing world, using drones or, in Google's case, giant balloons.
Facebook打造多個引人矚目的服務吸引大量使用者,繼而將用戶的關注賣給廣告商,以此取得成功。谷歌也是如此。這兩大公司在其用戶的生活中扮演著不 同的角色:谷歌擁有關於這個世界的大量資料,而Facebook瞭解你和你的朋友;你用谷歌是為了完成任務,但要打發時間時你會找Facebook。然而 它們的統治地位和戰略正變得越來越相似。無與倫比的資料寶藏讓兩家公司都難有敵手,且獲利頗豐,它們的財富足以擲下豪注並且通過收購解決潛在競爭者。這兩 家公司渴求更多使用者、更多資料,用冠冕堂皇的說法,這解釋了為何它們都對在發展中國家擴展互聯網連接興趣濃厚,Facebook使用無人機,谷歌則使用 巨型氣球。
The task is to harness data to offer new services and make money in new ways. Facebook's bet on AI is a recognition that “machine learning”—in which software learns by crunching data, rather than having to be explicitly programmed—is a big part of the answer.