
趕快一起來學學這些高頻片語吧! 無論在做英語翻譯、寫作還是閱讀時,均能對你有所幫助喔~

1. 綜合素質 comprehensive quality
2. 主要理由列舉如下 The main / leading reasons are listed as follows:
3. 正如諺語所說 As the proverb goes:
4. 增進相互瞭解 enhance / promote mutual understanding
5. 有爭議性的問題 a controversial issue
6. 我們還有很長的路要走 We still have a long way to go.
7. 為我們日常生活增添了情趣 add much spice / flavor to our daily life
8. 日益激烈的社會競爭 the increasingly keen social competition
9. 利遠大於弊 The advantages far outweigh the disadvantages.
10. 揮金如土 spend money like water



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