↫↫ 喵星人也來玩“潛伏” ↬↬ Can you find the cat?
Just days after the panda swept the internet another illustration featuring a cat hidden among dozens of brightly coloured owls has left thousands of people flummoxed.
Hungarian artist Gergely Dudas initially posted a Christmas puzzle on his Facebook page, showing hundreds of hand-drawn snowmen with the single black and white bear hidden between them.
He told his 13,000 Facebook followers: 'There's a panda amongst them! Can you find it?'
The cartoon was liked by 42,000 people and shared 100,000 times within days, with many struggling to find the panda at all.
Now, he has created another illusion which challenges the viewer to spot a cat hidden amongst dozens of owls.
Once again the illustrator has planted a few red herrings like a colourful bow tie and a festive hats, but the owl's facial features make it particularly difficult to spot the cat.
The cat is actually hidden on the third row from the bottom, second from left.
More than 1,500 people have commented on the image, with hundreds sharing their frustration at not being able to find it.
Nathan Allen wrote: 'Jesus that was hard, was about the throw my phone then!'
Roy Jipson added: 'Let's just say the difference is very subtle.'
However, hundreds of others claimed to have found the elusive animal in just seconds.
Maria Heffernan said: 'Pretty easy. The other one before was well hard though.'
◕ flummoxed:困惑的
◕ red herring:轉移注意力的話題;與事實不相干的論點