

 今日主題:Photos Tagged as Art Linked to Rising Property Prices  標籤藝術照和房地產的關係


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Urban gentrification is thought to happen like this: artists move into lower income neighborhoods, looking for cheap gallery and living space. "So they move into these neighborhoods, and they make these neighborhoods really pleasant to live in. They kind of create a nice kind of buzzy scene." Chanuki Seresinhe, a data scientist at the Warwick Business School, in the UK Next come the hip cafes and shops. "But what happens is of course then other people are then attracted to move into these areas. And so the demand for these places increases, and housing prices then go up."
人們認為城市中產階級化是這樣發生的:藝術家們進入低收入社區,尋求廉價的畫廊和生存空間。“然後,他們搬到了這些社區,在這裡愉快地生活,創建了熱鬧的氛圍。”Chanuki Seresinhe是英國華威商學院的數據科學家。接著這裡的社區就有了時髦的咖啡館和商店。“當然了,之後的一些人被吸引來到了這些區域。然後人們對這些地方的需求就增加了,房價隨之上漲。”

So the story goes. But Seresinhe and her colleagues wanted to see if online data told the same story. So they analyzed four and a half million photos uploaded to Flickr, from 2004 to 2013—each geotagged somewhere in London. Then they tallied how many of each neighborhood's photos were tagged "art." And they found that neighborhoods with a higher proportion of "art"-tagged photos actually did see a higher spike in property prices during the study period. The results are in the journal Royal Society Open Science .

Foursquare and Twitter data can also track gentrification trends, as another recent study showed. But the link here isn't necessarily predictive—maybe neighborhoods with rising prices just attract more photo-tagging art enthusiasts. "That's why I wouldn't say, you know, go out and buy a house in an artsy neighborhood, you're going to be rich in five years' time. Because sometimes there could be other factors involved."

But the connection does suggest your photos and social media posts can be used for more than bragging about brunch. "Sharing this data could be so valuable for academic research. We can actually use this data to do something good in the world." Like giving local organizations and urban planners a better look at how and why cities change. All you've got to do, is add a few tags.


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