
160407【Evolution演化】:animal 動物(一)  




1. cetacean  [sɪˋteʃən] 鯨豚目動物

Cetacean is any of an order of aquatic mostly marine mammals that includes the whales, dolphins, porpoises, that have a torpedo-shaped nearly hairless body, paddle-shaped forelimbs but no hind limbs, one or two nares opening externally at the top of the head, and a horizontally flattened tail used for locomotion.




2. rodent   [ˋrodnt] n. 齧齒類動物

Rodents are the largest group of mammals, characterized by upper and lower pairs of ever-growing rootless incisor teeth.




marmot  土撥鼠


3. canid  n. 犬科動物(= Canidae)

Canid is a lineage of carnivorans that includes domestic dogs, wolves, foxes and many other extant and extinct dog-like mammals.

coyote  小狼, 山狗

jackals  豺狼


4. primate [ˋpraɪmɪt] n. 靈長類動物

Primates are the group of mammals made up of human beings and the animals that resemble them most closely.

apes 人猿

gorilla  大猩猩

chimpanzee  黑猩猩(非洲)

orangutan  紅猩猩

baboon  狒狒


5. scavenger [ˋskævɪndʒɚ] n. 食腐動物 (= carrion-feeder)

Vulture, jackals, and some beetles are scavengers, feeding on decaying matter.

scavenger's cart  掃街車


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