

這句英語怎麼說:culture shock 文化衝擊
Many travelers feel culture shock when they visit faraway places and experience strange traditions.


Cultural Differences at the Dinner Table


There are significant differences between dining customs in Chinese and Western culture. Here are a few things you should know to avoid culture shock at the dinner table.

One obvious difference is how food is ordered. Western diners order their own meals and eat off large plates that only contain their own food. In Chinese culture, dishes are shared. Diners fill their individual plates or bowls from the big dishes in the center of the table.

The order in which dishes are served is also different. In the west, tea and coffee tend to come at the end of the meal, whereas in Chinese culture, tea is served at any time. In addition, soup is generally a starter in the west, while in Chinese cuisine it is usually the last part of the meal.

It is always interesting to compare two cultures at their respective dinner tables. It’s their different approaches to dining that can make meals fascinating and broaden our horizons.








✰ significant adj. 顯著的;重大的
There is a significant difference between the foods of England and Italy.

✰ obvious adj. 明顯的
There was an obvious mark on Michelle’s knee after she fell down.

✰ individual adj. 個人的;個別的
Henry ordered an individual pizza and didn’t share it with anyone.

✰ tend to phr. 傾向於
I tend to wake up at 10 a.m. each morning during the weekend.

✰ compare v. 比較;對照
We compared the two hotels before choosing which one to stay at.

✰ horizon n. 視野;地平線
One way to broaden our horizons is to travel a lot and meet different people.


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✰ starter n. 開胃菜;第一道菜
✰ cuisine n. 菜餚
✰ respective adj. 各自的


culture shock 文化衝擊
Many travelers feel culture shock when they visit faraway places and experience strange traditions.

    文化衝突 飲食習慣 TOEIC

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