1. Small Mammals(小哺乳動物)
2. Parental Care by Frogs(青蛙的父母照顧行為)
3. The Idea of Continental Drift(大陸漂移思想)
1. 長難句難度適中,偶爾出現新考點
For the majority of small mammals, however, short life spans prevent elaborate socialization of young and thus limit opportunities for learning from the experiences of adults, which are crucial for refining food-procuring abilities and avoiding predators—to mention just a couple of learned behaviors.
解析:這是第1篇文章句子簡化題所在考句。首先需要掃清句中的生詞,如「food-procuring abilities」(食物獲取能力),以及真正理解一些抽象表達,如「elaborate socialization of young」(對幼體的精細複雜的的社會化過程,即通過群居相互作用學會群體社會裡精細複雜的社會行為和社會關係)。整句話難度適中,意思是:然而對大多數小哺乳動物,短的壽命阻止了幼體發展精細複雜的社會化過程,因此限制了幼體從成體學習經驗的機會,這些經驗對於提高食物獲取能力和躲避捕獵者來說非常重要,而獲取食物和躲避捕獵者只是所提及的學到的幾個能力而已。
Of the 29 orders of mammals currently recognized, 13 contain mostly small mammals.
Of the 5,416 recognized species of mammals, more than 90 percent weigh less than 5 kilograms.
The behaviors are of five basic types.
例如,第3篇文章The Idea of Continental Drift最後一段,考查了3道題,全部要求讀懂整段才能解答。因為整個一段都在講述事物發展的來龍去脈、前因後果,如若不能整體理解,思維斷裂,題目盡毀。在此,我用中文轉述該段意思,看考生能否理解(英文理解可想而知)。
段意:地球表面分為13個板塊或更多小板塊。山脊形成於這些板塊的邊緣。這些板塊漂浮在部分融化的地幔層之上(on top of the partially molten layer of the mantle)。一些板塊攜帶大陸,另一些板塊不攜帶大陸而只是承載海洋。攜帶大陸的板塊對大陸漂移負責。大陸漂移的速度和板塊漂移(分離或匯聚)的速度完全一致。板塊漂移的原因來自承載板塊的下方地幔層中融化岩石的流動(currents within the fluid rock of the mantle below),這部分融化的岩石介於岩石圈(lithosphere)和地核(core)之間。板塊本身是由地殼層和上地幔層的固體岩石組成,並不融化。組成板塊的地殼層的屬性不同,分為大陸地殼和海洋地殼。大陸地殼比海洋地殼更厚,但密度更小。這就解釋了為什麼漂浮在部分融化的地幔中的海洋地殼會下沉到比大陸地殼更低的位置。因此,水由於重力作用匯聚到更低的海洋地殼所處位置而形成了海洋。
第37題Which of the following facts about the ocean is directly explained in paragraph 4?
答案選C:Why oceans form where they do
第38題Paragraph 4 supports which TWO of the following statements about differences between oceanic crust and continental crust? To receive credit, you must select TWO answers.(答案略)
第39題which of the following questions is NOT answered by paragraph 4?(最難)
A. Where is the lithosphere located in relationship to the other layers of Earth?
B. How is it possible for the speed of currents within the fluid rock of the mantle to vary from one location to another?
C. Which type of plate is responsible for continental drift?
D. How many major plates make up the surface of Earth?