

 今日主題:Lots or Little Sleep Linked to Sick Days

 洪欣老師推薦:托福聽力最好的課外教材:60-Second Science

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Shakespeare called sleep the chief nourisher in life's feast. But today we know it's so much more. Insufficient sleep contributes to the risk of cardiovascular disease, diabetes and obesity. And now a study finds that too little or too much sleep are both associated with a significant increase in sick days away from work.

Almost 4,000 men and women between 30 and 64 years old (in Finland) participated in the study, which followed them for seven years. The research revealed that the absence from work due to illness increased dramatically for those who said they slept less than six hours or more than nine hours per night. The sleep time that was associated with the lowest number of sick days was seven hours 38 minutes for women and seven hours 46 minutes for men. The study is in the journal Sleep. [Tea Lallukka, Sleep and Sickness Absence: A Nationally Representative Register-Based Follow-Up Study]

30歲-64歲之間的4000名芬蘭男性和女性參與了這項研究,研究人員跟蹤研究來了他們7年。研究表明,那些稱自己每晚睡眠時間少於6小時或多於9小時 的人們,因病缺席工作的時間大幅增加。研究發現請病假天數最少的女性的睡眠時間是每天7小時38分,男性是6小時46分鐘。這項研究被發表在《睡眠》雜誌 上。

Of course these findings are associative and not necessarily causal. Other factors may be responsible for the under- or oversleeping to begin with. But sleep patterns are still a warning sign for increased illness and health complications. Shakespeare put it best: Sleep…that knits up the ravell'd sleave of care.
—Christie Nicholson


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