 今日主題:Meet the (Newest Known) Beetles!  認識一下目前已知的最新種甲蟲吧


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“The Creator would appear…endowed with a passion for stars, on the one hand, and for beetles on the other.” That quip from biologist and atheist J.B.S. Haldane in 1949 is really about the extraordinary number of beetles researchers had characterized, some 300,000 at that time.

Now we know of about 400,000 beetles. And scientists have just added 98 previously unlisted beetle species to that tally, as well as one rediscovered species thought to be extinct.

The beetles hail from Bali, Java and Lombok in Indonesia, showing once again that islands can be major cradles of biodiversity. The 99 species can be found in the open access journal ZooKeys, and in the leaf litter of Indonesian forests.

But those forests are falling, to make room for people and palm oil plantations. With the forests go the forest creatures, including unique fauna like these newly discovered beetles. And there no doubt exist many, many more unknown species, as the tropical forests of Indonesia remain largely unexplored—despite expeditions since at least the time of naturalist Alfred Russel Wallace, co-discoverer with Darwin of evolution via natural selection.
但這些森林正在退減,給人類和棕櫚油種植園騰出空間。隨著森林退減森林裡的生靈也隨之而亡,其中包括一些稀有物種,比如這些新發現的甲蟲。毫無疑問的是, 儘管至少從博物學家艾爾弗雷德•羅素•華萊士和達爾文共同探索“物競天擇”的進化論時期,就已經開始了探險式探索,但印尼的熱帶雨林仍很大程度上未被開發 ——因而還有非常多的未知物種存在。

The question is, will deforestation wipe away the other unknown insects—and nematodes, microbes and other uncharismatic microfauna—before we had a chance to know them?


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