Do you agree or disagree with the following statement:
Playing sports teaches people important lessons about the life.
Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.
1. 體育活動可以教給人們團結合作的精神。
2. 體育活動可以教給人們堅持不懈的精神。
一方面體育運動都是挺辛苦的活動,參與的時候需要付出大量的練習和體力活動,有的時候為了做好甚至僅僅是做出一個動作,都需要參與者付出極大的艱辛甚至挑 戰個人體力的極限。這個過程會讓人學會堅持不懈。比如,像在練習長跑、馬拉松的時候,人們可能會覺得十分疲倦甚至想放棄,但是只要他們堅持完成訓練項目, 就會慢慢培養起不放棄不拋棄的精神來~
Ø 另一方面,在參與體育項目的時候,人們可能經常會遇到一些失敗、挫折,比如在籃球比賽中處於下風落後對方10多分,但是球員們仍會繼續比賽,一直爭取贏回比分。
3. 體育活動可以教給人們如何正確的面對失敗和成功。
勝敗乃兵家常事。體育對抗中,也難免會遇到不同程度的失敗和成功這兩種截然不同的結果,其實在人們的日常生活中也是如此,如果人們能正確的處理自己在體育 運動中的失敗和成功,他們就更有可能會在平時生活中合理的應對所遇到的失敗和成功,就不會一旦遇到一點失敗就驚慌失措、抑鬱難眠,也不會在獲得一丁點的成 績的時候就驕傲自滿、忘乎所以。
Do you agree or disagree? Playing sports gives important lesson on lessons of life learning.
Whether or not people can learn lessons of life by playing sports is a subject of intense controversy. Playing sports is for relaxing and moving around for fun, as some people may assert, yet others do not think this way. Everything in life has a purpose that enables us to learn and to ponder. To me, personally, I strongly believe that playing sports enables people to learn essential lessons of life.
First of all, playing sports is a good opportunity for people to learn communication skills and leadership skills. Most sports require teamwork and cooperation. For example, in the case of a football match, the eleven players on a team need to talk about their strategy of winning and their tactics, which is an enriching process that helps them develop their communication skills and negotiation skills. In a word, whether on the field or on the drawing board, sports help people acquire and polish interpersonal skills.
Meanwhile, economic integration on a global scale is developing fast. Most decent and high-paying jobs are offered by big multinationals that do their business across the globe. As a result, more and more office workers have to collaborate with colleagues from different cultural backgrounds. Taking part in sports significantly contributes to teamwork skills and online communication skills, which will be a strong asset for people. Therefore it is absolutely true that the lessons and skills learned through sports are practical and relevant.
Last but not least, playing sports helps people deal with mental stress as well as building wider viewpoints to life issues and problems. The most important lesson in life is how to live a life to the fullest and deal with mental stress with a promising outlook. That’s exactly what sport activities provide. Most young people have a heavy workload and due to intense competitiveness in school and in career alike. They also have to worry about losing jobs or getting sick from inferior immune system that stress causes them. Some people cannot fall asleep though they are sleepy at night. Some people even need sleeping pills to fall asleep. Sport activities, proved by scientist, help people forget about the worries in life and regain composure by releasing certain hormones physically. In addition, when we play sports we sometimes win and sometimes lose. We can apply such attitude to life when we do not enter, for example, our ideal schools, locate decent jobs etc. By playing sports we can know what we need is to make constant efforts, not regretting on those pessimistic occasions. Accordingly, when people are suffering from undue stress, playing sports is the most effective and convenient way of getting rid of stress and gaining new perspectives on life.
Some people certainly must think that playing sports is all about physical training and skill learning. It has nothing to do with learning lessons for life, which is way too serious. It should be a time of fun and leisure. However, this is not that easy and people need to think and act together in cooperation. Thus, I am strongly in favor of the view that playing sports is a good way of learning the important lessons and skills in life. It helps people gain a foothold in the workplace and get rid of stress.