
雅思口說考試中,常常會出現這樣的題目,“Describing your favourite book, film or piece of music”,請描述一個你喜歡的事物,這種話題應該怎麼回答呢?本文將給大家提供10個建議,保證大家看完之後下次再遇到這種問題都能回答地很流利啦!

1. You can talk about any type of book (textbook, biography etc.). You only need to describe a story if the question asks you to describe a 'novel'.

2. Many books are also films. It would be a good idea to prepare one description that you can use for both.

3. Amazon.com is great for reviews of books, films and music. Just search for a title, then go down the page to find the reviews.

4. "Steal" the best vocabulary from the reviews that you find.

5. Use Google. I searched for "my favourite film is" on Google and found this 'My Favourite Films' website. It's full of good ideas.
使用Google。我會在Google上搜索"my favourite film is",然後就會找到好多Ideas。

6. Try this Google search: "my favourite piece of music is".
嘗試用Google搜索:"my favourite piece of music is"。

7. You can describe a book, film or piece of music from your country.

8. You can invent a story if necessary, but it's easier to tell the truth.

9. If you don't like books, pretend that your favourite film is a book (and vice versa).

10. Remember to include adjectives to describe your feelings/opinions. Tell the story of when you first read the book, saw the film or listened to the song, who recommended it, why you like it etc.


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