今日主題:Pro Baseball Player Tech Avatars Could Be a Hit 職業棒球運動員技術化
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Hall of Famer Ted Williams once famously commented that hitting a baseball is the hardest thing to do in sports. Although Williams—a .344 career hitter—made it look easy, he had a point. Hitting a round ball with a round bat squarely is difficult. It’s also an excellent example of some very entertaining applied physics.
No surprise then that professional baseball players are turning to science to improve their multimillion-dollar strokes. Some approaches focus on the neuroscience of hitting—the deep internal brain mechanisms behind seeing the pitch and reacting to it. But for more info about the swing itself, a sports tech company called Zepp Labs makes a sensor that can help break down those mechanics.
專業的棒球運動員利用科學知識提高自己的價值百萬美元的擊球次數,這不足為奇。一些方法重點在於神經科學方面——棒球運動員在看到棒球投擲後並作出反應, 這背後的原理是內部的大腦機制。關於揮動球棒更多的資訊,一家叫做Zepp Labs的體育科技公司,製作了可以幫助打破頭腦機制的感測器。
The sensor sits in the knob of the company’s so-called “Smart Bat” and uses two accelerometers and a three-axis gyroscope to measure bat speed, hand speed, attack angle and other factors. The sensor, which weighs only about eight grams, sends this info to a smartphone app via Bluetooth. The app can then use this data to have an onscreen avatar reenact the swing, in the hope that the batter can pick up some details and make the necessary adjustments. Zepp’s sensors can also be fitted to golf clubs and tennis rackets.
感測器位於公司製作的“智慧球拍”的把手處,並利用了兩個加速計以及一個三軸陀螺儀來測量球拍的速度、出手速度、攻角等其他因素。感測器僅有八克重,可以 通過藍牙將資訊發送到智慧手機應用程式上。手機上的應用程式可以利用接收的資料讓螢幕上頭像調整重新進行揮動,希望球拍可以接受一些細節資訊,並做必要的 調整。Zepp公司的感測器也可以安裝在高爾夫球杆以及網球拍上。
Never one to mince words, Ted Williams also once said that pitchers were “the stupidest people alive.” Hmm, maybe somebody could come up with a smart baseball to help them. Against any Ted Williamses out there, anyway.