

今日主題:How to Save the Woods 我們該如何拯救森林
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Just 25 countries hold almost all of the world's undisturbed forests. More than half of that forest is in Australia, Canada, New Zealand, Russia and the U.S. And only 22 percent of forestland worldwide is protected.

Those figures are from a new analysis in the journal Conservation Letters. [Brendan Mackey et al: Policy Options for the World's Primary Forests in Multilateral Environmental Agreements]

So what could be done to save the 13 million plus square kilometers of untouched forests? After all, they're home to more than half of the world's plants and animals and provide necessities like clean air and clean water for us humans. But they're under serious threat, whether from logging, mining or farming. Such land use change is why only 3 percent of the forest that existed in the past still remains in the temperate parts of the globe.
所以為了拯救者1300萬平方公里的原始森林,我們能做些什麼呢?畢竟它們是世界上一半以上動植物的棲息地,而且還為人類提供像新鮮的空氣和乾淨的水等生 存必需品。但是無論是伐木採礦還是農業,都使得它們現在遭受嚴重的威脅。土地利用方式的改變是造成全球溫帶區原始森林面積只剩3%的原因。

One suggestion for preservation is to make forests a part of international environmental negotiations, like the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change has tried to do. The goods and services forests provide should be incorporated into economic assessments as well, not just the value of their board feet of lumber. And the world's governments should avoid further forest losses, to slow climate change and the current rate of extinction.
保護原始森林的一個建議就是,將保護森林列入國際環境談判中,就像《聯合國氣候變化框架公約》所嘗試的一樣。森林所提供的所有商品和勞務應該納入經濟評 估,而不是僅僅評估每英呎木材的價值。而且世界各國政府應避免森林遭受進一步的破壞,應努力減緩氣候變化和當前物種的消失速度。

And here's another thought: forests that are owned by the communities that actually live in them tend not to be cut down. So local ownership could help forests survive.
— David Biello

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