今日主題:Neptune Visit Hits 25th Anniversary
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August 24th marks the 25th anniversary of one of NASA's greatest achievements: the first flyby of Neptune. At, 2.8 billion miles from the sun, it's the farthest planet ever to pose for a close-up.
You can thank the Voyager 2 spacecraft for the close encounter. Launched in 1977, Voyager 2 sped past Jupiter in 1979, Saturn in 1981, Uranus in 1986 and Neptune in 1989. Voyager discovered that a large dark spot marked the face of the giant blue planet. It also quadrupled the number of Neptune's known moons from two to eight. New discoveries have since raised that number to 14.
你要感謝旅行者2號宇宙飛船和海王星的親密接觸,旅行者2號於1977年發射,在1979年旅行者2號飛過木星,1981年飛過土星,1986年飛過天王星,1989年飛過海王星。旅行者2號發現在海王星這個巨大的藍色星球表面有一個很大的黑色斑點。而且發現海王星的衛星數量翻了四倍,從兩顆變成了8顆, 而最新發現是現在已經變成了14顆。
The largest and most intriguing moon is Triton. Voyager discovered that, like Earth, Triton has an atmosphere, mostly of nitrogen. The spacecraft also found geysers erupting material that rises five miles above Triton's surface.
Today, 25 years later, Neptune remains the farthest planet to be visited by a spacecraft. But its record will soon be shattered. In July 2015, NASA's New Horizons mission zips close to Pluto, which will make that distant world the farthest planet yet visited—for those intrepid individuals who still consider Pluto a planet.
—written by Ken Croswell, voiced by Steve Mirsky