
√ 搭飛機


※ 劃位
● What time do you start check-in?你們何時開始辦理登機?
● Do you have a seating preference? 你對座位有什麼偏好嗎?
● Do you prefer window or aisle seattiing?你比較喜歡靠窗或是走道的位子?
● Please give me a new reservation. 請幫我重新訂位。


※ 登機
● I'd like to reconfirm my flight.我想要再確認班機。
● How will we know when our flight is ready to board?我們怎麼知道何時開始登機?
● What's the flight number and departure time?請告訴我班機號碼與起飛時間?
● When will the next flight to Los Angeles leave?下一班飛往洛杉機的班機何時起飛?
● Where is boarding gate for China airline CA173?China airline CA173的登機們在哪?
● Could you show us which way our boarding gate is?你能夠指出我們的登機門在哪? 
● Could you please tell me the way to Gate xx? 請你告訴我登機門XX怎麼走好嗎?


※ 飛機上
● Will you show me to my seat, please? 請帶我到我的座位好嗎?
● Could I hang this bag in the closet? 這個行李袋我可以放在吊櫃裏嗎?
● Excuse me. Would you mind trading seats with me? 對不起。您介意跟我換位子嗎?
● Would you show me how to work this? 請你教我怎麼啟動這個好嗎?
● May I recline my seat? 我是否可將座位向後傾倒?
● Will this flight get there on time?這班班機會準時到達嗎?


※ 暈機時
● May I have some medicine for airsickness? 請給我一些暈機藥好嗎?
● May I have an airsickness bag? 請給我一個嘔吐袋好嗎?


※ 問路
● Is there signs on the way? 路上有標示嗎?
● Are there any signs on the way? 路上有任何指標嗎?
● Is the right way to back to XXXX? 到XXXX是這個方向嗎??
● Which way is North? 北方在哪裡?
● How far is it by taxi? 搭計程車有多遠?
● How long does it take to get there (to airport)? 去那裡要多久?
● Is it too far to walk? 走路太遠麼?
● How long does it take to get there on foot? 步行去那裡需要多長時間?
● Would you please draw me a map? 請你幫我畫個地圖好嗎?
● Could you show me the way on this map? 你能在地圖上給我指路嗎?
● How long will we stop here? 我们在这里停留多久撘公車
● Could you tell me the bus number to get to the XXXX? 到某處請問撘幾號


√ 觀光/旅遊


※ 旅遊資訊
● I’ll like to join(take) this tour. 我想參加這個行程
● May I know more detail schedule? 我可以知道更多詳細行程嗎?
● I’ll like some informations about........我想一些資料關於.......
● May I reserve it now? 我可以現在預訂嗎?
● Is this tour all-inclusive? 包含全部費用嗎?
● Is there a pick up service at the hotel? 有旅館接送服務嗎?
● Do you have a five days land tour recently? 最近有五天內陸的旅遊嗎?
● When and where do we start? 出發的時間跟地點呢?
● Where can I board the ferry? 那裡上遊輪?
● Which tour do you recommend? 你推薦那個旅遊行程?
● I’ll like to ask you about.........我想請問你關於...........
● Do you offer Chinese translation guide for us? 你可以提供中文翻譯導遊嗎?
● Do we have a Chinese-speaking guide? 有中文導遊嗎?
● Do I have enough time to take pictures? 我有足夠時間拍照嗎?
● What time does the next flight leave(take off)? 下班飛機何時起飛?
● What time do we need to come back here? 我們需要何時回來?
● How long do we stop here? 在這裡停留多久?
● Recommend me some good sightseeing to visit, please. 請建議我值得去參觀的景點. 
● where are the best attractions that we couldn’t miss? 哪裡有好的景點我們絕不能錯失呢?
● What scenic attractions do you recommend? 哪裡有好的景點我們絕不能錯失呢?
● Could you tell me some interesting places in this town? 能告訴我一些好玩的地方嗎?
● Where is the place to enjoy a nice view?  在哪能看到美好風光
● Can I take pictures inside Museum? 可以在博物館裏照相嗎?
● Where is the tickets window? 售票口在哪?
● Who should I contact in case of emergency? 如有緊急狀況我該連聯絡誰?
● I though we were on a limitted budget.我想我們預算有限


※ 旅館
● Here is my confirmation slip. 這是我的確認單
● I'll arrive late, but please keep my reservation. 我會晚一點到達,請保留所預訂的房間。
● Is hot water available any time? 隨時都有熱水供應嗎?
● May I see the room first?我可以看一看房間嗎?
● Do you have any porter to take our baggages to our rooms? 有行李搬運員幫忙嗎?
● What time are meals (breadfast)offered? 用餐(早餐)時間是幾點?
● Could you call and reserve a taxi for me? (on 5 june ‘s moring) 可以請你幫我預約計程車嗎
● Do you have vacancies for double room type? 你有雙人房型空房嗎
● Please give me quiet rooms,please.請給我一間安靜的房間
● Do you have anything bigger (better/cheaper)?是否還有更大的(更好的/更便宜的)房間?
● I want to stay three days longer.我想再多住三個晚上.
● Is breakast included? 早餐是否已包含於費用內?
● What is the rate? 房價多少?
● How much is it per night? 每晚費用為多少?
● Is there a discount for staying several days? 若停留數日是否有任何折扣?
● The rate is higher than we expected. 房價比我們預期的還高.
● Is there any additional charges? 有額外收費嗎?
● Does it include tax and service charge?費用是否包含稅與服務費?
● Would you be kind enough to check for me? 妳可以幫我查查看嗎?
● Do you accept credit crads(traveler's checks)? 這裡可使用信用卡(旅行支票)嗎?
● Where is the nearest subway station? 最近的地鐵站在那裡?
● What time is the breadfast served? 早餐幾點開始供應
● The air conditioner is broken. 空調壞了
● Please send somebody up ,O.K? 請叫人上來好嗎?
● Would we Late check out at 4 pm WITHOUT EXTRA CHARGE?我們可以到下午四點離開不用另外付費嗎?
● Room key for XXX,please.請給我房間鑰匙XXX
● When will it be ready?什麼時候會準備好?
● I’d like to stay one more night. 我要多住一晚
● we are leaving early tomorrow.So, I lik to ask you to call and reserve a taxi for us.我們明天一大清早離開,所以,我可以請你幫我們先叫好計程車嗎??
● Please send up a porter. 請派人來拿行李
● Could you bring my baggage down to the lobby tomorrow morning? 明早你是否能幫我將行李拿到大廳?
● May I leave baggage here till this afternoon? 我可以寄放行李到下午嗎?
● Give me a moring call at 6 am for all three days. please. 這三天請六點叫我起床
● Could you wake me up at 7 o’clock tomorrow morning? 明早7點能叫我起床嗎?
● I'd like a wake-up call, please.我想設定早晨的呼叫鈴。
● What time does supermarket open? 超級市場幾點營業
● Can you recommend a good restaurant for dinner?你能推薦一家好餐廳用晚餐嗎?
● Please bring me a pot of coffee (boiled water).請送給我一壺咖啡(熱水)。
● We are leaving for the airport at 8:30 am tomorrow morning. 明早8點半要到機場
● I found there is a mistake in my bill.我發現帳單上有錯!!
● I enjoy my stay.我住的很愉快。


※ 餐廳
● We are a group of six我們共有六人
● We’d like to have a table tighter 我們想併桌
● We'll come around eight o'clock.我們大約在8點到達。
● Could you recommend a nice restaurant near here? 你能推薦附近的一個好點的餐館嗎
● Do you know of any restaurant open now? 你知道有現在開門的餐館嗎
● Is this seat vacant? 我可以坐這裡嗎?
● Is this seat taken? 這個座有人嗎?
● May I sit next to you? 我可以做你旁邊嗎?
● Do you have any vegetarian dishes on the menu? 否有供應素食餐?
● Do you have vegetarian dishs?餐廳是否有供應素食餐?
● Can you make it mild? 能做的清淡嗎?
● Can I have my bill? 結帳
● May I order, please? 買單
● What is the difference in price? 在價格上有何不同?
● Is there a minimun per person order? 有最低消費限制嗎 ?
● How late is it open? 最晚到幾點?
● How long is the wait? 要等多久?
● Could we have a table on the garden? 我們可以要張在園子裡的桌子嗎?
● What do you have for today’s special? 你們今天有特餐嗎?
● Can I have the same dish as that? 我可以點跟那ㄧ樣的菜嗎?
● Can we have a table in the corner? 我可以選靠角落的位子嗎?
● I’d like a table by the window 我想要靠窗的桌子
● What time does it open and close? 什麼時候開門和結束?
● May I have the receipt, please.請給我收據。
※ 購物逛街
● Where is the shopping area in this town? 購物區在城鎮的什麼地方
● Where is the nearest supermarket from here?最近的超市在哪?
● Can I pick it up? 我能拿下來嗎?
● Do you have a bigger (smaller)one? 你有更大(小)的嗎?
● Can you wrap it as a gift? 你能把它作為禮物包裝嗎
● Can you wrap these separately?你能分別包裝嗎
● May I have the form for tax refund?能給我張退稅表嗎



    創作者 字神帝國英語天地 的頭像


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