英國知名模特兒65歲的帕姆˙盧卡斯(Pam Lucas)說:

 “I think anything that encourages older women to express themselves through clothes and make-up, and to continue making the best of themselves is great. We all need to love ourselves at all stages of our lives!” 


隨著年齡的增長與生活的忙碌,我們常常會忘記要多珍惜自己一點,時間久了就對生活失去了熱情與目標,但在近兩年卻開始出現一種特殊現象叫做”銀髮復興” (greynaissance)。有別於一般年輕窈窕的模特兒,現在年長的銀髮模特兒人氣攀升。


According to research from beauty website Escentual, women over 50 are now the biggest buyers of beauty products in Britain. Given that by 2020 half the population will be over 50, you’ve got some pretty simple maths: more customers with more money to spend equals bigger profits. 
根據美妝網站Escentual調查發現, 在英國,50歲以上的女性是最大消費族群,考慮到2020年將會有一半的人口在50歲以上,可以很簡單的推測:更多有錢的顧客意味著會有更大的利潤。

This greynaissance has in turn led to a boom in modelling agencies representing mature models. Not only do increasing numbers of mainstream agencies now have what is termed a ‘classic’ division, but several have devoted themselves entirely to the older model. 

Marketeers are describing this as a shift from ‘anti-ageing’ to ‘pro-ageing’. Where once the successful older model was one who scrubbed up well (in other words managed to hide her real age), now she looks her age but fabulous with it. 
市場評估人員描述這種現象為”抵制衰老 ”到”欣賞衰老”的態度轉變。原本事業成功的年長模特兒都是將年齡隱藏得很好,但如今年長模特兒臉上會有歲月的痕跡。

卡門˙戴爾˙奧莉菲斯(Carmen Dell’Orefice),84歲,是世界上年齡最大的超模。他從15雖開始當雜誌模特兒,如今依然優雅美麗,對於事業與年齡他這樣說道:“Today I am in a territory that business considers unmarketable: age and white hair. Slowly, however, I started to own that territory little by little because I stood up for age.” 



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