今日主題:Viruses Hijack The Body's Response To Mosquito Bites
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Chances are, you've had the opportunity to study firsthand the swollen, itchy welt left by a mosquito bite. And now—scientists have too.
"Well, we haven't studied itching yet in our laboratory studies." Clive McKimmie, an immunologist at the University of Leeds, in England. "What we've shown is the inflammation associated with bites is not good for you as a host, and it gives a virus an advantage."
“我們還從未在實驗室研究過癢痕!”英國里茲大學的免疫學家Clive McKimmie說道。“我們已經證明,作為宿主,叮咬誘發的相關炎症有害於你的身體健康。”它為病毒創造了優勢。
To understand why, let’s back up. To mosquito spit. "Now I know it's a little disgusting to think about, but when a mosquito bites you, they're spitting out quite a bit of saliva into your skin." That saliva can contain viruses, like zika or chikungunya. And viruses—and the tissue damage from the bite—are a rallying cry for the immune system.
McKimmie and his colleagues studied that immune response in mice. And they found that when immune cells show up at the bite the viruses infect them, and turn those immune cells into factories for further virus replication.
McKimmie和他的同事研究了小鼠的免疫反應。並且他們發現,當被蚊蟲叮咬時,免疫細胞就會出現,這時病毒就會感染這些免疫細胞,並把這些免疫細胞納入自己的“工廠”, 進一步複製病毒。
"Your own immune system, which is meant to help your body defend itself against infection, seems to be inadvertently promoting an aspect of a virus infection."
Overall, the inflammation resulted in 10 times more virus in the mice, compared to being inoculated with the virus without a bite. The study is in the journal Immunity. [Marieke Pingen et al., Host Inflammatory Response to Mosquito Bites Enhances the Severity of Arbovirus Infection]
More viruses means a higher chance they'll infect your organs—and other mosquitoes too. So McKimmie says it might be worth testing a cheap anti-inflammatory—like a topical ibuprofen cream—to see if it cuts virus numbers. "You've got to remember that these infections tend to be present in parts of the world that are economically deprived. And so we can't come up with an expensive new medication, because it's unlikely to be appropriate for that situation."
病毒越多意味著感染你器官的機會就越大。並且其他蚊子也是這樣。因此,McKimmie表示測試出一種廉價抗炎藥是非常值得的。就像局部布洛芬乳膏——檢 測它是否能夠減少病毒數量。“你要記住,這些感染往往出現在那些經濟貧困的世界各地。因此我們不能研製昂貴的新藥物,因為這不太可能適應目前的情形。
The real beauty of this topical treatment approach, though—if it works—is its versatility: it zeroes in not on a specific disease, but that one thing they all have in common: the bite.