2種:(1) Structure adaption。(2) Behavior adaption。
(1)Structure:指生物體進行物理變化來適應,比如在身體長出個東西來。EG:Bullhead shark。這種鯊魚很小,經常被大鯊魚欺負。經歷N年,bullhead shark在尾巴上長出了尖刺(spike),可以抵禦大鯊魚的攻擊。
高原老師的口說示範 Sample Answer
In the lecture, the professor talks about how small animals have evolved to protect themselves against the predation of larger animals, including structural and behavioral adaptations. First, some small animals have developed certain physiological features which can pose threats to their attackers. For instance, bullhead sharks are relatively small and are vulnerable to the attacks of other larger marine animals. As a result, they have developed small spikes on their dorsal fins, which can deter the predation of larger sharks. On the other hand, other small animals have adopted behavioral changes to protect themselves. For example, possums are often the targeted prey of feral cats and foxes, which are significantly larger than possums in their body size. When faced with danger, possums have evolved to take on the appearance of being dead by keeping their eyes closed and lowering their heart rate so their predators will assume that they’re dead and move on to other objects.