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➼The two key things people judge you on when they first meet you
When you meet someone for the first time, do you put across a good impression? And what do we mean by 'good' in this context?
➼According to Presence, a new book by Harvard Business School professor Amy Cuddy, people assess you on two main criteria when they first meet you:
哈佛商學院教授艾米·庫迪的新書《存在》 ,談到了影響第一印象的兩個主要評判標準:
1. Can I trust this person?
2. Can I respect this person?
➼You level of trustworthiness, or warmth, is the most important factor in how people initially perceive you, Cuddy says - yet many mistakenly believe that the second factor, characterised as competence, is more important.
➼"From an evolutionary perspective,” Cuddy writes, “it is more crucial to our survival to know whether a person deserves our trust.”
➼While displaying competence is certainly beneficial, particularly in a work setting, Cuddy warns that focusing on winning people's respect, while failing to win their trust, can backfire - a common problem for young professionals attempting to make a good impression early on in their careers.
➼"If someone you're trying to influence doesn't trust you, you're not going to get very far; in fact, you might even elicit suspicion because you come across as manipulative," Cuddy says.
➼"A warm, trustworthy person who is also strong elicits admiration, but only after you've established trust does your strength become a gift rather than a threat."
➼In Cuddy's book she also explains some of the science that can help you spot a liar.
➼When a person is lying there is likely to be discrepancies between what they are saying and what they are doing, she suggests.
➼“Lying is hard work," she writes. “We're telling one story while suppressing another, and most of us are experiencing psychological guilt about doing this, which we're also trying suppress. We just don't have the brainpower to manage it all without letting something go - without 'leaking’.”
➼The author adds that these ‘leaks’ can be seen in a person displaying conflicting emotions, like a happy tone of voice paired with an angry facial expression.
➼“It’s about how well or poorly our multiple channels of communication — facial expressions, posture, movement, vocal qualities, speech – co-operate,” she adds.
➼Professor Cuddy argues that most of us are not very good at spotting a liaras we are distracted by the words coming out of their mouth.
➼“When we’re consciously looking for signs of deception or truth, we pay too much attention to words and not enough to the nonverbal gestalt of what’s going on,” the professor adds. “Truth reveals itself more clearly through actions than it does through our words.


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15 surprising things productive people do differently
I recently interviewed over 200 ultra-productive people including seven billionaires, 13 Olympians, 20 straight-A students and over 200 successful entrepreneurs. I asked a simple, open-ended question, “What is your number one secret to productivity?” After analyzing all of their responses, I coded their answers into 15 unique ideas.
ృ Secret #1: They focus on minutes, not hours.
Average performers default to hours and half-hour blocks on their calendar. Highly successful people know there are 1,440 minutes in every day and there is nothing more valuable than time. Money can be lost and made again, but time spent can never be reclaimed. As legendary Olympic gymnast Shannon Miller told me, “To this day, I keep a schedule that is almost minute by minute.” You must master your minutes to master your life.
ృ Secret #2: They focus only on one thing.
Ultra productive people know their Most Important Task (MIT) and work on it for one to two hours each morning, without interruptions. Tom Ziglar, CEO of Ziglar Inc., shared, “Invest the first part of your day working on your number one priority that will help build your business.” What task will have the biggest impact on reaching your goal? What accomplishment will get you promoted at work?
ృ Secret #3: They don’t use to-do lists.
Throw away your to-do list; instead schedule everything on your calendar. It turns out only 41% of items on to-do lists are ever actually done. And all those undone items lead to stress and insomnia because of the Zeigarnik effect. Highly productive people put everything on their calendar and then work and live from that calendar. “Use a calendar and schedule your entire day into 15-minute blocks. It sounds like a pain, but this will set you up in the 95th percentile…”, advises the co-founder of The Art of Charm, Jordan Harbinger.
ృ Secret #4: They beat procrastination with time travel.
Your future self can’t be trusted. That’s because we are “time inconsistent.” We buy veggies today because we think we’ll eat healthy salads all week; then we throw out green rotting mush in the future. I bought P90x because I think I’m going to start exercising vigorously and yet the box sits unopened one year later. What can you do now to make sure your future self does the right thing? Anticipate how you will self-sabotage in the future, and come up with a solution to defeat your future self.
ృ Secret #5: They make it home for dinner.
I first learned this from Intel’s Andy Grove, “There is always more to be done, more that should be done, always more than can be done.” Highly successful people know what they value in life. Yes, work, but also what else they value. There is no right answer, but for many, values include: family time, exercise, giving back. They consciously allocate their 1,440 minutes a day to each area they value (i.e., they put it on their calendar) and then they stick to the schedule.
ృ Secret #6: They use a notebook.
Richard Branson has said on more than one occasion that he wouldn’t have been able to build Virgin without a simple notebook, which he takes with him wherever he goes. In one interview, Greek shipping magnate Aristotle Onassis said, “Always carry a notebook. Write everything down…That is a million dollar lesson they don’t teach you in business school!” Ultra-productive people free their mind by writing everything down.
ృ Secret #7: They process email only a few times a day.
Ultra-productive people don’t “check” email throughout the day. They don’t respond to each vibration or ding to see who has intruded their inbox. Instead, like everything else, they schedule time to process their email quickly and efficiently. For some that’s only once a day, for me, it’s morning, noon and night.
ృ Secret #8: They avoid meetings at all costs.
When I asked Mark Cuban to give me his best productivity advice, he quickly responded, “Never take meetings unless someone is writing a check.” Meetings are notorious time killers. They start late, have the wrong people in them, meander in their topics and run long. You should get out of meetings whenever you can, hold fewer of them yourself, and if you do run a meeting, keep it short.
ృ Secret #9: They say “no” to almost everything.
Billionaire Warren Buffet once said, “The difference between successful people and very successful people is that very successful people say ‘no’ to almost everything.” And James Altucher colorfully gave me this tip,“If something is not a “hell, YEAH! Then it’s a “no!”
Remember, you only have 1,440 minutes in every day. Don’t give them away easily.
ృ Secret #10: They follow the 80/20 rule.
Known as the Pareto Principle, in most cases 80% of outcomes come from only 20% of activities. Ultra-productive people know which activities drive the greatest results, and focus on those and ignore the rest.
ృ Secret #11: They delegate almost everything.
Ultra-productive people don’t ask, “How can I do this task?” Instead they ask, “How can this task get done?” They take the “I” out of it as much as possible. Ultra-productive people don’t have control issues and they are not micro-managers. In many cases good enough is, well, good enough.
ృ Secret #12: They theme days of the week.
Highly successful people often theme days of the week to focus on major areas. For decades I’ve used “Mondays for Meetings” and make sure I’m doing one-on-one check-ins with each direct report. My Friday afternoons are themed around financials and general administrative items that I want to clean up before the new week starts. I’ve previously written about Jack Dorsey’s work themes, which enable him to run two companies at once. Batch your work to maximize your efficiency and effectiveness.
ృ Secret #13: They touch things only once.
秘訣13: 隨手小事當即完成
How many times have you opened a piece of regular mail—a bill perhaps—and then put it down only to deal with it again later? How often do you read an email, and then close it and leave it in your inbox to deal with later? Highly successful people try to “touch it once.” If it takes less than five or ten minutes—whatever it is—they’ll deal with it right then and there. It reduces stress since it won’t be in the back of their mind, and is more efficient since they won’t have to re-read or evaluate the item again in the future.
ృ Secret #14: They practice a consistent morning routine.
My single greatest surprise while interviewing over 200 highly successful people was how many of them wanted to share their morning ritual with me. Hal Elrod, author of The Miracle Morning, told me, “While most people focus on ‘doing’ more to achieve more, The Miracle Morning is about focusing on ‘becoming’ more so that you can start doing less, to achieve more.” While I heard about a wide variety of habits, most people I interviewed nurtured their body in the morning with water, a healthy breakfast and light exercise. They nurtured their mind with meditation or prayer, inspirational reading, and journaling.
最讓我吃驚的是,在我採訪的超過200位成功人士中,有不少人想同我分享他們的晨間作息。《魔法早晨》的作者哈爾•埃爾羅德就告訴我說:“當大多數人還在關注多勞多得時,《魔法早晨》通過關注早晨的生活變化,幫助人們少做也能多得。”在我通過採訪瞭解到的各色習慣中,有很多人會在早晨喝杯水,吃一頓健康的早餐,然後做少量運動來保持身體健康 ;他們還會通過冥想或是禱告,讀點勵志故事,寫寫日記來豐富自己的精神生活。
ృ Secret #15: Energy is everything.
You can’t make more minutes in the day, but you can increase your energy which will increase your attention, focus, decision making, and overall productivity. Highly successful people don’t skip meals, sleep or breaks in the pursuit of more, more, more. Instead, they view food as fuel, sleep as recovery, and pulse and pause with “work sprints”.


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♆♆♆ 臉書打壓“仇恨言論” ♆♆♆
Facebook sets its sights on hate speech with million-euro initiative
近日,Facebook在歐洲推出了一項新的舉措,即線上上和線下同時展開仇恨言論和極端內容的打壓行動--Online Civil Courage Initiative(OCCI)。據悉,Facebook已經承諾為OCCI提供100多萬歐元的資金。


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Frozen pants are the hottest new trend this winter


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The Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK) is claiming a new milestone -- the invention of hangover-free alcohol. 
The state newspaper reported that Taedonggang Foodstuff Factory has introduced a ginseng liquor with 30% to 40% alcohol and, theoretically, no horrible morning after feeling. 
The drink features six-year-old, indigenous Kaesong organic "insam," a Korean name for ginseng. 
Developing the drink took years of research to figure out a way to minimize the bitter insam taste. 
The factory decided to use boiled rice instead of sugar which "promoted the sweet and savoury tastes of insam by weakening its bitter taste with the delicious flavor of the boiled and scorched glutinous rice," according to The Pynongyang Times. 
In theory, the hangover-fighting effects come from the use of scorched rice and from the ginseng's "medicinal effect." 
The nation has already poured accolades on the new drink, giving it a quality medal for "preserving national smack." 
The paper praised the product because it "exudes national flavor" and said that it has "already been registered as a national scientific and technological hit."
☯ milestone-(n.)里程碑;劃時代的事件
The film proved to be a milestone in the history of cinema.
I think this is a very important milestone in the relations between our two countries.
☯ foodstuff-(n.)食料,食品
They handled groceries and foodstuff.
Construct a international foodstuff promotion and exhibition trade center.
☯ indigenous-(adj.)土產的,土生土長的,本地的
Each country has its own indigenous cultural tradition.
Indians were the indigenous inhabitants of America.
☯ decided-(adj.)決定了的,堅決的;明顯的,明確的
This gave them a decided advantage over their opponents.
There is a decided difference between British and Chinese way of greeting.
☯ scorched-燒焦,烤焦( scorch的過去式和過去分詞 ); 使(植物)枯萎,把…曬枯; 高速行駛; 枯焦
I scorched my dress when I was ironing it. 
The hot iron scorched the tablecloth. 
☯ glutinous-(adj.)粘的,膠狀的
The sauce was glutinous and tasted artificial.
The coat covering the soft candies is made from glutinous rice.
☯ accolades-(n.)(連結幾行譜表的)連譜號( accolade的名詞複數 );嘉獎;(窗、門上方的)桃尖拱形線腳;冊封爵士的儀式(用劍面在肩上輕拍一下)
Unlike other accolades for literature which tend to value style or experimentation. 
有別於其他偏重風格活實驗性的文學獎項。 來自互聯網
Build your trophy room while amassing awards and accolades. 
☯ smack-(vt.)拍,打,摑;咂嘴;vi.含有…意味;n.拍
She gave him a smack on the face.
I gave the fly a smack with the magazine.
☯ exudes-(v.)緩慢流出,滲出,分泌出( exude的第三人稱單數 );流露出對(某物)的神態或感情
The plant exudes a sticky fluid. 
She exudes sexual magnetism. 
☯ technological-(adj.)技術的;工藝的
A successful company must keep up with the pace of technological change.
Today, the pace of life is increasing with technological advancements.
當今, 隨著科技進步,生活節奏不斷增快。


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160125 2050年海洋中的塑膠會比魚還多.jpg  

⋆⊙⊙⋆ 2050年海洋中的塑膠會比魚還多 ⋆⊙⊙⋆
More plastic than fish in oceans by 2050
The world is flooded with plastic garbage.
 There will be more plastic than fish in terms of weight in the world's oceans by 2050, the World Economic Forum warned Tuesday.
 Plastic has become one of the world's most popular materials, combining amazing functionality and very low production costs. Its use has increased 20-fold in the past 50 years and is expected to double again in the next 20 years.
 Almost everybody in the world comes into contact with it -- over a quarter of all plastic is used for packaging, the most popular use of the material.
 But only 14% of plastic packaging is collected for recycling. The reuse rate is terrible compared to other materials -- 58% of paper and up to 90% of iron and steel gets recycled.
 It gets worse. Almost a third of all plastic packaging escapes collection systems and ends up in nature or clogging up infrastructure.
 "After a short first-use cycle, 95% of plastic packaging material value, or $80 billion to $120 billion annually, is lost to the economy," the WEF said in a report.
 The report is based on interviews with over 180 experts and on analysis of over 200 reports.
 They estimate that by 2050, the amount of plastics produced globally will increase three times to 1,124 million tons. By then, the "plastic economy" will take up 15% of the world's global carbon budget, compared to just 1% today.
 The so-called carbon budget is the total amount of carbon dioxide the world can pump into the atmosphere while still having a chance of stopping short of 2 degrees of global warming.
 The forum said the only way to avoid a disaster is to massively improve the economics and uptake of recycling. That means giving people incentives to collect plastic garbage and recycle, use reusable packaging, and encourage countries to drastically improve their waste collection infrastructure, to avoid plastic garbage leaking into the nature.


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160122Captain's Call.jpeg  

Australia makes 'captain's call' on best words of 2015
Captain's call - a phrase "plucked" from the cricket pitch and politicized by former Australian Prime Minister Tony Abbott - has become the Macquarie Dictionary's Word of the Year for 2015.
Mr Abbott's controversial choice to award Prince Philip a knighthood was one of his many "captain's calls".
The noun is defined as "a decision made by a political or business leader without consultation with colleagues".
The dictionary said the word "perfectly encapsulates" Australia in 2015.
"There has been an interesting change in usage; an infrequent item of the jargon of cricket makes the leap into politics and is now being used generally with an ironic tinge to it that is very Australian," the Macquarie Dictionary said in a statement.
Coming in second was the word "lumbersexual" - a portmanteau of lumberjack and metrosexual - referring to urban men who adopt the style of an outdoorsman as a fashion statement.
Other contenders for Australia's best word in 2015
1. deso: Colloquially refers to a designated driver, who refrains from drinking alcohol in order to drive others safely home. Also, deso driver.
2. open kimono: A business policy of sharing information freely with an outside party.
3. keyboard warrior: a person who adopts an excessively aggressive style in online discussions which they would not normally adopt in person-to-person communication, often in support of a cause, theory, world view, etc.
4. ghost plate: a clear plastic numberplate cover which becomes opaque when viewed from certain angles, thereby obscuring the registration number; designed to circumvent identification by speed cameras.
5. athleisure: clothing, shoes, etc., designed for both exercise and general casual wear.
6. tri-tip: a cut of beef, taken from the bottom of the sirloin.
7. digital disruption: Commerce the impact of digital technology in making various established industries and products obsolete.
8. abandoned porn: a genre of photography which romanticises abandoned buildings and urban areas in a state of decay. Also, ruin porn.
廢墟藝術照:一種攝影類型,通過攝影技術使被遺棄的建築和衰退區呈現一種頹廢的浪漫色彩。英文也可以稱之為“ruin porn”。
9. wombat gate: a swing gate installed in a ditch going underneath a fence, so that wombats, who follow very predictable patterns at night, can come and go without destroying the fence.


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Intelligent people are more easily distracted
Those who find themselves easily distracted at work may be intellectually superior to their colleagues, according to research.
 Intelligent workers may have difficulty concentrating due to the vast number of clever ideas popping into their gifted brains.
 Bostjan Ljubic, vice president of Steelcase, a workplace solutions company that analysed the findings of neuroscientists and cognitive researchers, said: “Employers are always on the lookout for the brightest people available, however the difficulty to withstand multiple tasks and distractions in the office affects smart people in the same way as everyone else, if not more.”
 The smartest individuals may find it more difficult to decide which ideas to prioritise with distraction leading to, what psychiatrist Dr Ned Hallowell cites as, “a feeling of inadequacy and inability to deal with the workload as a whole,” the Telegraphreports.
 He added, the smartest brains can ultimately fall short of their own expected potential, as well as failing to live up to their employer's hopes.
 Nearly half of more than 10,000 workers, surveyed in 17 countries, said they struggled to concentrate in the office, according to a wellbeing study by Steelcase.
 Increased access to technology has been cited as a possible reason for this lack of focus.
 Research from GlobalWebIndex, cited by Steelcase, says the average time spent on mobile devices has increased by 200 per cent since 2012; while the average smartphone user in the UK checks their phone 221 times every day and the average office worker checks their email around 30 times an hour.
 The University of California suggest that, ultimately, the average office worker is interrupted or distracted every three minutes.
 Mr Ljubic said: “The ways in which we work are changing more rapidly than ever before and the brain is being subjected to stresses and distractions which can lead to overload and statistics show that distractions in the workplace are on the rise.”


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❧❧❧ The 25 worst passwords of 2015 ❧❧❧ 
When it comes to making up passwords, we’re not doing so great as a society. 
Password management firm SplashData released its annual "Worst Passwords List," revealing that humans have remained rather indifferent to choosing unique, secure passwords since the company's first report in 2011. SplashData analyzed more than 2 million leaked passwords in 2015 and found several trends in the most common ones.
“Password” and “123456” still claim the top two spots on the list, where they've remained for the past five years. Simple numerical passwords remain an easy go-to; six of the top 10 passwords are comprised of only numbers.
You'll also find that references to sports and pop culture are fairly common. “Football” and “baseball” are both in the top 10 list, and in line with the release of The Force Awakens, “starwars,” “solo” and “princess” are all new entries on this year’s list. 
Several others that weren't on the 2014 list include “welcome,” “login” and “passw0rd." Changing that "o" in password to a zero might seem original, but a lot of people had the same idea. 
➤➤ If you see your password on this list, make your 2016 resolution to do better. 
1. 123456 
2. password 
3. 12345678 
4. qwerty 
5. 12345 
6. 123456789 
7. football 
8. 1234 
9. 1234567 
10. baseball 
11. welcome 
12. 1234567890 
13. abc123 
14. 111111 
15. 1qaz2wsx 
16. dragon 
17. master 
18. monkey 
19. letmein 
20. login 
21. princess 
22. qwertyuiop 
23. solo 
24. passw0rd 
25. starwars
① Use passwords with 12 characters or more with mixed types of characters. 
② Avoid using the same password over and over again on different websites. 
③ Use a password manager, like SplashID or LastPass, to organize and protect passwords, generate random passwords and automatically log into websites. 


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➫➬For the last decade, a new type of fraud is particularly expanding amongst major size companies: the so called CEO impersonation fraud or CEO fraud.


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Real-life dream boss actually wants you to work less, sleep more and travel the world
Tech companies are notorious for offering job "perks" that function like gilded handcuffs: fancy benefits like free meals and laundry that keep you tied to the office for long hours.
 Jason Fried is a tech CEO with a radically different philosophy. At Basecamp, the 50-person software company he helped found about 15 years ago, the benefits support a culture that urges employees to work reasonable hours (40 a week is encouraged), sleep more, stay healthy and expand their horizons.
 "There's a lot of praise around big companies doing your laundry for you and having chefs in-house. The message is, 'Don't leave the office, everything you need is here,'" the 41-year-old Fried told The Huffington Post. "That just grosses me out."
 Employees at Fried's Chicago-based company, which develops project management software, not only receive paid time-off to take vacations, but the company pays for their vacations as an annual "gift" to those with at least one year's tenure. New employees receive a paid-for night on the town.
 In a blog post earlier this week, Fried detailed a dizzying array of other benefits:
Four-day, 30-hour workweeks in the summer.
 $100 a month for fitness, which employees can spend on gym memberships, yoga classes, race fees, etc.
$100 a month for massages.
 CSA (community supported agriculture) memberships, so workers get locally grown fruits and vegetables.
The option to work anywhere. Basecamp employees are located all around the country.
A one-month sabbatical every three years.
 There's more. Recently, Fried formalized a parental leave policy. Mothers and fathers who are primary caregivers get 16 weeks off fully paid.
 Fried, who has a 15-month-old son at home, said he wants his employees to get out of the office and experience the rest of life. Their salaries are in the top 5 percent for the Chicago area, he said. Instead of giving them an extra $100 they don't really need, these perks nudge them to behave in ways that can make them healthier and happier.
 The vacation policy exemplifies this rationale. Workers get a total of three weeks off. They can spend some of that time on an all-expenses-paid trip courtesy of Basecamp. This year they can get to choose among travel to such places as Martha's Vineyard, the Grand Canyon, Ethiopia and Verona, Italy. Workers pick from the options in the annual "book" and take the trips, which run five to seven days, alone or with their loved ones. Oh, and Basecamp makes all the travel arrangements because Fried doesn't want anyone to stress over the planning part.
 The message is clear: "We want you to take vacation. Please get out of here!" Fried said.
 The paid vacations replaced cash bonuses a few years ago. "We're spending the same amount of money and giving people experience they wouldn't have on their own. It makes them more interesting people," he said.
 Leaving the office is, unfortunately, a kind of radical notion in the tech world where companies like Amazon are famous for pushing people to the edge.
 "I think the industry is kind of perverted. We're an industry that likes to burn people out and not have respect for people's lives outside of work," Fried said. "You don't need to build a crazy company. You can treat people fairly and do well."
 Fried's company is privately held. Asked about its finances, he would say only that it makes "tens of millions of dollars" in profit.
 Basecamp does has one thing in common with the rest of the tech industry: Its employees are a relatively homogenous group. Two-thirds are men. None are African-American. "We're definitely underrepresented," Fried said, though recently he's been making more of an effort -- and actually managed to raise the percentage of women at the firm. "We're learning as we go."
 Things are moving slowly on the diversity front in part because the company doesn't hire often. The people-friendly culture helps keep turnover very low. Only a handful of workers have left Basecamp over the past 15 years, Fried said.
 The low turnover helps offset the cost of those generous benefits. Hiring and training new employees is expensive, something that Fried emphasizes when he's touting the upside of offering all those goodies.
 Still, even for companies that can't afford the fancy stuff, Fried argued that simply encouraging workers to put in a reasonable 40-hour week would be a huge deal.
 "It's a valuable benefit that people don't think of as a benefit," he said. "That alone, and encouraging people to get a good night's sleep, that's going to pay off in big ways."
◙ Vocabulary ◙
gross somebody out: 讓某人覺得噁心
 sabbatical: 較長的假期
 rationale: 基本原理
 homogenous: 同質的;同類的
 tout: 高度評價;過分誇獎


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Job-seekers know from harsh experience that the toughest hurdle in a job search is getting the interview. Once you get the interview, you've got some control over the process -- at that stage, you just have to do your research, and be on your game.
The resume has a harder job than you do. It's got to get you in the door. That's why it's essential for job-seekers to avoid these five resume-killing phrases. Take a look -- are any of these toxic claims poisoning your resume now?
✠ 1."I am the best candidate for the job."✠
At the resume stage, this is an irresponsible and presumptuous thing to say. Obviously, you don't know who else is applying for the job or how your qualifications stack up. Say instead, "I am very interested and believe I'm qualified for the job." Then, use the next sentence of your resume or cover letter to say how.
✠ 2."I have a proven track record of success."✠
Apart from its 10-out-of-10 rating on the Legendary Cliche scale, this sentence makes no sense. What other kind of track record is there? There's no such thing as an unproven track record. The "success" bit on the end only lowers the perceived IQ of the writer. Replace this boilerplate phrase with a story about something specific you did to help your last employer.
✠ 3. "I left this job because of disagreements with management."✠
I would never advise you to lie on a resume, but the problems-with-management message stands out like a neon sign on a resume and spells trouble. Instead say, "A shift in organizational priorities made this role less of a fit for me over time" or, "I'd learned a ton at that job, but it was time to go."
✠ 4."I am an out-of-the-box thinker."✠
The thing about true out-of-the-box thinkers is they'd never use this clich. Don't tell us that you're creative. Give us an example of your creativity, like "I revamped the Accounts Payable process and saved our company $1M."
✠ 5."My qualifications are evident."✠
Don't assume that your qualifications shine though -- spell them out for us. Employers want to know that you're qualified for this job, and that means you've got to customize your resume (as well as your cover letter) for every single opening you apply for. The extra time investment is worth it -- there's a good job available for someone, and it might as well be you!


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If you’re getting plenty of job interviews without any job offers, it’s time to think about what could be going wrong. Since you’re making it past the initial screening, the problem is unlikely to be your résumé or cover letter. That means that it could be your interview skills, something about your experience that isn’t obvious from your résumé or even your references. Here are six ways to explore why you’re not getting job offers.
 1. Check your references. It’s possible that your chances are falling apart post-interview when employers call your references. Even if you think your references are glowing, you might be surprised to find that’s not the case. It’s worth having a trusted, professional-sounding friend call your references and make sure that nothing is being said that could hold you back.
 1. 檢查自己的推薦信。面試失敗很可能是因為雇主看了你的推薦信。雖然你認為自己的推薦信充滿亮點,但事實可能並非如此。讓一個信得過的、專業的朋友幫你看推薦信是十分必要的,這個朋友可以幫你檢查推薦信裡是否有給你減分的內容。
 2. Try some mock interviews with someone who can assess your interviewing skills. Have a friend or other contact conduct a mock interview with you and give you feedback on how you’re coming across. The ideal person to help you with this is someone who has significant experience doing hiring, but as long as your helper is blunt and relatively insightful, you should get some helpful feedback this way.
 2. 嘗試模擬面試,找到可以給自己進行面試技巧評估的人。找一個朋友或其他相關的人為自己進行一場模擬面試,之後提供一些回饋。一個在招聘方面經驗豐富的人是最理想的人選。不過只要你的幫助者夠直率且見解深刻,你都會得到有益的回饋。
 3. Ask for feedback from past interviewers. Reach out to any past interviewers with whom you felt particular rapport and ask if you can buy them coffee and pick their brain for 20 minutes about how you can become a stronger candidate. Your email request could sound something like this: “I really appreciate you taking the time to talk with me about the assistant manager job last week. I want to ask you a favor: Could I buy you coffee and pick your brain for 20 minutes about how I can better position myself for this type of work? Please know that I’m not seeking a reconsideration of your decision, just asking for any insights that might help me move closer to the type of work I’d like to do. I know you’re busy, so if a phone call is easier, I’d be grateful for that as well!”
 4. Look at who was ultimately hired for the jobs you interviewed for. Go back and look at the positions you interviewed for but didn’t get, and see who ended up getting the job. Search the company’s website or LinkedIn to find out who they hired and what that person’s background is. You might learn that the people who are beating you out have more experience or a different type of background, and that information can help inform your thinking about what types of jobs to pursue.
 4. 關注成功獲得你面試職位的人。回去看一看自己面試失敗的職位,看一看誰最終得到了那份工作。查看該公司的網站或者LinkedIn,看一看該公司錄取人員是誰,並查看這個人的背景是怎樣的。你可能會看到這個把你踢出局的人經驗更豐富,或者有一個不同的背景。這樣的資訊可以説明自己瞭解這類工作要找的人是怎樣的。
 5. Change the way you’re preparing for interviews. How much interview prep do you do before each meeting? The reality is, the more you’re prepared, the better you’ll usually do. If you're not practicing your answers to likely questions and preparing examples from your past work that clearly demonstrate why you'd excel at the job, this might be why your interviews aren’t panning out. Try changing the way you prepare and see if the outcome changes.
 5. 改變面試準備方式。每次面試之前,你都做了多少準備?事實是,準備越充分,表現會越好。如果對於相關問題沒有做出一定練習,或者沒有對之前的工作經驗—可以說明自己勝任這份工作—做出明確說明,很可能導致面試失敗。改變自己的面試方式,看一看是不是結果也不同了。
 6. Ask yourself whether your frustration is coming across to interviewers. If you’ve been job searching for a while, you might be feeling frustrated or desperate. And while that’s understandable, if interviewers pick up on it, it can be the kiss of death for job offers. If you know that you’re radiating negativity, you might be better off taking a break from your search until you can approach interviews with less emotional baggage.
 6. 問問自己的低落情緒是否影響到了面試官。如果已經找了一段時間的工作,自己很可能出現迷惑或絕望。雖然這可以理解,但是如果面試官看到這一點,這對求職是致命的。如果你渾身上下都充滿了負能量,最好是休息一段時間,不要找工作,直到沒有太多精神包袱的時候,再開始找工作。


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Be careful when playing Santa at the office. Giving certain gifts could get you in trouble.
A Victoria's Secret gift card for the cute girl who works in the neighboring cubicle? Not appropriate. A dictionary for the new co-worker whose misspellings on email you've had to correct? It probably won't be appreciated.
例如,給臨桌的可愛女孩送張Victoria's Secret性感內衣的代金卡?這可不太合適。或者給在電子郵件中常犯拼寫錯誤,弄得你要幫他糾正的新同事送本字典?這或許也不會讓對方心生感激。
Here are some guidelines for appropriate gift giving in the workplace
Generally, it's not appropriate to give your boss a gift. It can come with mixed messages. People worry that it seems like you are trying to buy favoritism.
Instead, see if co-workers would like to contribute to a gift for the boss from the whole office. If you're charged with buying the gift, stick with office-related items or something that fits with the subject of your company's work. Or, if your boss has a hobby or interest, such as golf, consider a gift that plays to that.
You and co-workers also can chip in to get small gifts for people working under you, like the receptionist or mailroom staff.
If you're exchanging gifts with co-workers, it's best to buy something simple for everyone in your team or group. Keep individual gift giving outside the office.
For the boss as well as co-workers, avoid items that are too personal--say, perfume, scented bath products, jewelry, lingerie or other clothing. Also steer away from alcohol and tobacco products.
Gag gifts can cause problems as well. "Not everyone translates humor the way you might" and you risk off ending someone. Cash is a no-no as are gifts that are too expensive. You're going to look like you are just trying to win favor.
You don't have to reciprocate if a co-worker gives you a gift.
It's your call whether to buy gifts for clients, vendors or people you have a professional relationship with outside the office.
If your office sends out gifts to clients and vendors, there's no need to do something on top of that. Write a nice card if you feel like that person really made your year.
If you decide to buy gifts for clients or vendors, make sure their company guidelines allow them to accept gifts. You also should check your company's gift-giving guidelines, especially if you plan to use company funds to purchase presents.
If you attend a holiday party with colleagues in someone's home, make sure you bring a hostess gift. While wine is usually a popular hostess gift, it may not always be appropriate if it's a work event. A nice box of chocolates or a poinsettia plant are good options.


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Kamikatsu – Japan’s aspiring zero-waste town
We’ve heard many stories of individuals across the world who’ve adopted a zero-waste lifestyle, but it’s not often that we come across an entire community that is trying to become waste-free. The residents of Kamikatsu, Japan, take recycling so seriously that they actually hope to become the nation’s first zero-waste community by 2020.
 Kamikatsu has no garbage trucks – so residents need to compost their kitchen scraps at home. They also have to wash and sort the rest of their trash into 34 different categories, and bring it to the recycling center themselves where workers make sure that the waste goes into the correct bins. It apparently took some time for the residents to get used to this rule, but they eventually managed to adapt to the drastic changes and are now seeing them as normal.
 The Japanese town has turned recycling into a streamlined process – there are separate bins for different types of paper products – newspapers, magazines, cartons, and flyers. Even plastic bottles and their caps go into different bins as do aluminum, spray, and steel cans are collected separately too. Many of these items are resold or repurposed into usable clothing, toys, and accessories. The labels on each bin show the recycling process for that specific item, so the residents know exactly what happens to their trash.
 Reuse is highly encouraged in Kamikatsu – they have a local kuru-kuru shop where residents can exchange used items with new things at no extra cost. And the kuru-kuru factory employs women to make bags, clothes, and stuffed dolls out of discarded items. Businesses are also encouraged to participate in responsible waste management – the town has a zero-waste brewery, housed in a building constructed of reused materials.
 With a population of just over 1,700, Kamikatsu recycles about 80 percent of its trash and only 20 percent goes to landfills, so you could say that the town is very close to achieving its goal. They’ve been practicing prudent waste management for the past 13 years after declaring their zero-waste ambition in 2003 and giving up their old practice of dumping trash into open fires.
 “If you get used to it, it becomes normal,” a Kamikatsu resident said in a video made by YouTube channel Seeker Stories. “It can be a pain, and at first we were opposed to the idea. Now I don’t think about it. It’s become natural to separate the trash correctly.”
“當你習慣回收廢物後,這事兒就會顯得很平常,”在YouTube“探索者所見” (Seeker Stories)頻道攝製的錄影中,一位元上勝町的居民如是說道。“回收廢物很麻煩,我們起初都反對這一提議。但現在,我根本不會想太多。對我來說,正確分類廢物再自然不過了。”
 All the recycling facilities in Kamikatsu are managed by a Zero Waste Academy which also regularly hosts groups of local schoolchildren and foreign visitors, educating them on the benefits of a zero waste lifestyle. Every years, the Academy receives around 2,500 visitors from all around the world, all eager to learn more about zero-waste and how Kamikatsu has managed to implement its principles in such a short period of time.


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◎ 大家一起來作題,加強字彙戰鬥力!選出【】中的近義字哦。


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If a man keeps cherishing his old knowledge, so as continually to be acquiring new, he may be a teacher of others.


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☼☼☼ 如何實現新年目標,心理學家給你答案 ☼☼☼
⇨How to keep your New Year's resolutions, according to science⇦
Learn Spanish? Finally quit smoking? Become a better cook? Whatever you've decided to achieve next year, you know all too well that you're probably going to fail, and that list of beautiful, aspirational goals is staying unfulfilled. Sorry.
For this very reason some people forgo making any resolutions altogether, so we're here to help - this year you might actually have a chance, with help from a few tricks of the mind.
British psychologist Richard Wiseman has done several surveys on willpower - in 2007 he tracked the success of 3,000 people's New Year's resolutions, only to find that a mere 12 percent of them managed to achieve what they had set out to do. He looked into what the successful people were doing differently, and, based on their experience, devised a list of tips for others who want to stop failing miserably.
Before we get into the list, it turns out the number one thing to stop relying on is your own willpower - that's basically the worst approach to keeping a resolution, and is the reason why so many of us never start exercising more, continue eating all that fried chicken, and still can't speak a word of French.
What should you be doing instead? As Wiseman explained on his blog back in 2013, your goals should be small and manageable, you should document your success, tell others about your intentions, and, importantly, not beat yourself up for failing. Here’s the complete list of Wiseman’s advice:
① If possible, make only one resolution - changing a lot of things at once is more difficult.


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17 questions you should never ask at the end of a job interview
When you're in the hot seat, there's a good chance your interviewer will turn the tables at some point and ask, "Do you have any questions for me?"
When you have the floor, you'll want to take full advantage of the opportunity to show that you've done your homework and to determine if the job is a good fit.
But it's imperative that you put just as much thought into what you ask as you do your responses to their questions, because your queries may reflect your knowledge of the company, your work ethic, your level of professionalism, and your interest in the role.
"In the first interview, you'll want to be sure to ask the right questions. Ask about the job and company; not questions that can come off as self-serving and give the impression you may not be a team player or be willing to give 100%," says Amy Hoover, president of the job board.
She continued: "The sole purpose of the interview is to determine if you are a good fit for the company, and if it's a good fit for you. All the other issues and concerns should be addressed during negotiations after the job offer has been made."
Here are 17 questions you'll want to avoid during the first job interview, as they may do more harm than good:
What does your company do?
Questions like this will make you look unprepared. To avoid that, never ask anything that can easily be answered with a Google search.
What will my salary be?
Hold off on the money talk.
Will I have to work long hours?
This says, "I'm lazy."
How soon can I take a vacation?
Wait until you're offered the job before you start asking these types of questions.
How quickly could I be considered for a promotion?
Focus on the job at hand.
When will I be eligible for a raise?
This may tell the interviewer that money is the only thing you care about.
Will I have my own office?
Does it really matter?
What happens if I don't get along with my boss or coworkers?
The interviewer may wonder if you've had problems with colleagues in the past — and they may even assume you're difficult to work with.
Will I have an expense account?
There's really no reason to ask this in the interview. Plus, it sends the wrong message.
Are you married?/Do you have kids?/etc.
Never, ever ask the interviewer any personal questions.
Can I make personal calls during the day?
This one says you're not 100% focused on your work.
I heard this rumor about the CEO. Is it true?
You should never bring gossip into a job interview. It's highly unprofessional.
Do you monitor emails or internet usage?
This question will raise red flags — something you definitely don't want to do in the interview.
Do you do background checks?
This one may also make the interviewer suspicious.
Can I arrive early or leave late, as long as I get my work done?
Don't try to make adjustments to the schedule before you've even been offered the job.
How did I do?
This one puts the interviewer on the spot. If you really want feedback, wait until you get the offer or rejection, and then ask in an email what you did well, or could have done better.
Did I get the job?
You don't want to appear too eager.
Bonus: The worst question of all is the one you never ask.
"Not asking questions can be just as bad, or worse, than asking terrible questions," says Deborah Shane, a career author, speaker, and media consultant. "It can reveal a lot about your communication skills, personality, and confidence — and it can leave the interviewer with a bad impression of you."


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