♆♆♆ 臉書打壓“仇恨言論” ♆♆♆
Facebook sets its sights on hate speech with million-euro initiative
☛近日,Facebook在歐洲推出了一項新的舉措,即線上上和線下同時展開仇恨言論和極端內容的打壓行動--Online Civil Courage Initiative(OCCI)。據悉,Facebook已經承諾為OCCI提供100多萬歐元的資金。
☛Hate speech has no place on the Internet, Facebook says, and this week it put at least some of its money where its mouth is.
Specifically, the social network on Monday helped launch the Online Civil Courage Initiative, a new, million-euro effort designed to stamp out hate speech and extremism on the Internet in Europe.
The new effort aims to support European nonprofit groups involved in the fight against online extremism, which has been reaching new heights amid the refugee crisis afflicting the region. The initiative will also bring together experts to jointly develop a set of tools and best practices to further that goal.
Headquartered in Berlin, it was jointly organized by Facebook COO Sheryl Sandberg along with the International Centre for the Study of Radicalization and Political Violence, the Institute for Strategic Dialogue and the Amadeu Antonio Foundation.
What proportion of the effort's stated one million euros comes from Facebook itself wasn't clear, and the company didn't respond to a request for clarification.
Hate speech online has been a particular focus in Germany as it struggles to cope with the unprecedented influx of refugees arriving at its borders. In December, Facebook, Google and Twitter agreed to combat online racism by deleting hate speech from their websites within 24 hours.
"In the past year, we've seen millions of people come together online to support refugees and stand in solidarity with the victims of terror attacks," Sandberg wrote in a post on her Facebook page on Monday. "But we’ve also heard voices of hate growing louder. With extremism damaging lives and societies across the world, challenging those voices has never been more important."
Deleting content "won't make the hatred go away," Sandberg added. "We need the voices of tolerance and love to ring out across the world, because the best remedy to bad speech is more speech."
It remains to be seen, however, how well Facebook puts those values into practice.
"Enforcement has been an ongoing issue with Facebook in the past," noted social media strategist Lon Safko. "I hope Facebook stands behind their own policies, even at the cost of some members' 'freedom of speech' rights."
☛Facebook表示,仇恨言論在互聯網上將不再有容身之地。1月18日,Facebook幫助推出百萬歐元支持的“線上公民勇氣倡議”(OCCI), 打擊歐洲網路上的仇恨言論和極端內容。
“網路仇恨”,說到底就是在網路上傳播仇恨。隨著歐洲難民危機(refugee crisis)的到來,網路極端主義(online extremism)達到新高潮(reach new heights)。去年12月,Facebook、Google和Twitter同意攜手應對網路種族歧視(online racism),並在24小時內刪除其網站上的仇恨言論(hate speech)。
Facebook在官網上介紹稱,OCCI的使命是“打擊網路極端主義與仇恨言論(to combat online extremism and hate speech)”,並通過與政界、公民社區及學界的共同合作,推廣已存在於Facebook社區的公民勇氣(civil courage)。
據悉,OCCI將通過向歐洲正在為消除網路極端主義和仇恨言論而努力著的非政府機構(non-governmental organizations)提供資金資助和行銷協助,此外,它還將跟這些組織展開新的專案合作。
英文來源:Facebook sets its sights on hate speech with million-euro initiative