五個最常被問的GMAT 問題
Top 5 GMAT FAQs – What You Need to Know
Published 2:02 pm EDT, January 22, 2016 Updated 3:51 pm EDT, January 22, 2016
As you prepare to take the GMAT test, you will likely have a lot of questions. Here at Heavy, we poured over many questions and came up with our top five FAQ.
1. How Do I Get My Score From A 650 To A 700
Most experts will tell you that to be competitive and gain admission at the top 20 business schools, you need to get your score up to 700, putting your percentile ranking at 89% or better.
Bottom line is you’ll need to put in the time. Here are just a few strategies that can help.
Improve Your Timing – Since the test is adaptive, questions become harder and harder as you get more right. So don’t spend too much time in the beginning of the section because you may have little time at the end and be forced to guess at many questions. So manage your time wisely.
Practice More! – Practice but more specifically, practice under timed conditions to improve your score. Most experts will tell you to take at least four practice exams if you want to get to 700. Taking a full exam will take about four hours.
Top Free GMAT Practice Tests: An Independent Review
Want to score well on the GMAT? You need to practice. Here is a list of top practice tests to get you ready.
Stay Calm – No doubt that nerves are the hardest to control. Here are just a few ways to calm them. Take a moment to scope out the testing location and parking before the actual test. Find out where that Starbucks (or your coffee place of choice) is before the day of the test. Pack some snacks. Finally, as a confidence booster, practice the easier questions the night before.
2. When Should I Stop Prepping For The GMAT
How do you know when you’ve studied enough for the GMAT? It’s a common question but not a simple answer. While we may not be able to tell you when to stop, these tips will you in our preparation.
When studying, it’s important to stick to a regular schedule. Be it a few minutes each night or more time a few days a week. Keeping a consistent schedule is helps the brain master these subjects. Taking too much time off between studying may put you back to square one each time.
Don’t just focus on questions that are hard. It’s tempting to focus on only the difficult questions that trip you up. Pay attention to these questions but take full length practice exams to make sure you are ready for all types of questions.
Finally, give yourself a break the day before the GMAT. Have fun with friends, at your favorite dinner, or watch a funny movie before bed and get at least 8 hours of sleep.
3.What Are The average GMAT Scores?
The 2014 mean combined GMAT score is a 547.35. Keep in mind that this mean score is quite low, and an average GMAT score would put you pretty far outside of the top 100 business schools. A 550 score would most likely not get you in an elite programs such as HBS, Stanford, Wharton, or Sloan where the average GMAT score is 720 – which is in the 94th percentile.
2014年的GMAT平均分數是547.35分,記住這平均分數相當低沒辦法讓你申請前百大商學院。GMAT 550分沒辦法讓你上哈佛商學院、史丹佛、沃頓或麻省理工斯隆管理學院,這些學校至少要GMAT 720分以上,也就是分數要在所有考生的前6%。
4. Can I Cancel My GMAT Score
If you are looking to cancel a score you do not wish to report, or a score that you believe is not in the range of scores preferred by your target schools, you are allowed to cancel your GMAT score immediately following your GMAT exam.
As of July 19, 2015 in order to help the confidence for test takers, cancelled GMAT scores will no longer be included on a candidate’s school report. This change was made because candidates expressed concern that cancelled scores may reflect negatively on their profile.
5. How Hard Is The GMAT?
The question of how hard the GMAT is as elusive as ever.
The GMAT was created to be challenging for everyone who applies to business school. Remember, the GMAT is a Computer Adaptive Test (CAT) and questions will get more difficult as each section progresses.
You cannot cram for the GMAT, you will need a good study plan. If you put in the time and effort and have the right competitive spirit, you can do well on the GMAT. If you were not competitive, you probably would not be looking to have a career in business.