【MEDICINE 醫學】:symptom症狀
1. symptom [ˋsɪmptəm] n. 症狀
Symptom is any physical or mental change of illness which is caused by a particular disease.
2. anorexia [͵ænəˋrɛksɪə] n. 厭食症(= cibophobia)
Anorexia is an eating disorder primarily of young women that is characterized by a fear of weight gain leading to faulty eating patterns, malnutrition, and usually excessive weight loss.
● binge-eating disorder 暴食症
3. obesity [oˋbisətɪ] n. 肥胖症
Obesity, or extreme fatness, occurs when a person eats more food than the body burns up.
4. insomnia [ɪnˋsɑmnɪə] n. 失眠症
Someone who suffers from insomnia finds it difficult to sleep.
5. hypersomnia [haɪpɚˋsɑmnɪə] n. 嗜睡症
Hypersomnia, or excessive sleepiness, is a condition in which a person has trouble staying awake during the day.
● sleep paralysis 睡眠癱瘓;鬼壓床