 今日主題:Children's literature  兒童文學

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Children's literature

Much red reading books

The politics of children's stories

Once upon a time there was a loyal citizen

IN CHINA in Mao Zedong's day, frivolous childhood pursuits such as reading were frowned on. The few children's books that were tolerated told stories of revolution and class struggle. These days, toddlers are allowed to have more fun. But though the message has changed, parents and the state still believe the primary role of such works is to shape young minds, not amuse them.
毛澤東時期的中國,毫無意義的童年追求,例如閱讀,常常是不被贊同的。只有那些少部分關於革命和階級鬥爭的兒童讀物可以出版。今天,孩子們的讀物變得更有 趣味性。然而,即使兒童讀物的限制已經改變,父母和國家仍然認為這些兒童讀物的使命是塑造孩子的思想,而不僅僅是娛樂。

Sales of children's literature have risen by double digits in most of the past ten years, much faster than the growth of book sales overall. The number of children's titles has more than tripled since 2005. This partly reflects a growing demand for products aimed at indulged only-children. A cost-conscious reluctance to have more offspring, which was reinforced by the country's recently relaxed one-child policy, helped fuel that demand. The richer parents are, the more they splash out on children's books.
過去十年裡,兒童文學書籍的銷量有了兩位數的增長,比圖書銷量整體增長更快。自2005年以來,兒童書籍的數量翻了三倍多。這一定程度上反應了針對萬千寵 愛於一身的獨生子女不斷增長的產品需求。推動這種需求的原因正是具有成本意識的人們不願意養更多的子女,而這種意識是獨生子女政策所強化的,但是這個政策 目前有所鬆懈。父母越富裕,就越願意在兒童書籍上花錢。

Booksellers see a huge moneymaking opportunity. Most publishers of literature for adults now offer children's titles too. Around half of the 100 best-selling books last year were for youngsters—a higher share than in Britain or America. There is a growing variety of genres. Picture books for under-fives have been taking off; fiction for older teenagers is thriving.
書商由此看到了一個巨大的賺錢機會。現在大部分成人讀物出版商也開始出版兒童讀物。去年前100部暢銷書其中大約有一半是針對兒童的----無論英國還是 美國,都沒有這麼高的比例。而且體裁種類越來越多。為五歲以下兒童量身定做的圖畫書大受歡迎;針對青少年的小說也在蓬勃發展。

Unsurprisingly, given the huge emphasis in China that is placed on passing exams, many titles aim purely to teach facts. Parents like to buy non-fiction, even for children still learning to read. Some books—printed on paperboard and intended mainly for under-twos—aim to teach the Roman alphabet to infants. Volumes for toddlers with titles such as “How to be a Meteorologist” and “Superstars of Science” do well.
基於中國很大的重點在於通過考試,很多書目僅限於傳授事實,這一點毫不奇怪。即使孩子還只是在咿呀學語的階段,家長也會喜歡買非小說類的讀物。一些印刷在 紙板上,適於兩歲及以下的兒童讀物竟然旨在教那些嬰兒羅馬字母表。那些標題為“如何成為氣象學家”或是“科學巨星”等系列兒童讀物銷量都很不錯。

The moral is often laid on thick. One provincial publisher (state-owned, like all of them) has titled a six-volume set of nursery rhymes “A Good Father is Better Than a Good Teacher”. Chinese-language versions of foreign classics often proclaim their didactic worth: Paddington, a marmalade-loving bear from darkest Peru, is a model of “thoughtfulness, modesty and self-discipline”, proclaims the blurb on the cover of a translation of Michael Bond's popular stories.
道德倫理經常受到極大的吹捧。一個省出版社(所有的這些出版社都是國有的)給一部六卷的兒歌加的標題是“好父親勝於好老師”。一些經典外文讀物的中文版經 常帶有道德說教意味:邁克爾邦德暢銷書籍譯本封面上寫道:帕丁頓熊,一隻來自秘魯最深處且深愛橘子醬的熊是“周到,謙虛和自律”的榜樣。

China's publishers remain profoundly conservative. They shun books with naughty or frivolous children, or where youngsters outsmart their elders. Cute animals vastly outnumber rebellious figures such as pirates. Few books depict siblings, aunts, uncles or cousins—relationships little understood by the young, thanks to the one-child policy.
中國出版社依舊非常保守。他們不會出版那些關於淘氣或者不務正業的孩子的書籍,以及那些描述孩子的智慧超過大人的書籍。所出書籍中可愛的動物遠多於海盜這 樣的叛逆的人物。獨生子女政策使得年輕一代對兄弟姐妹,阿姨,叔叔或者同輩表親(或堂親)這樣的關係理解極少,因此描述這樣的關係的書籍也是幾乎沒有。

Though far less visible than it was in Mao's day, politics still lurks. Publishers have internally appointed censors whose job is to ensure that the Communist Party's line is not transgressed. One executive says she avoids publishing history books for children where “the story does not match the narrative” approved by the party. Maps showing the island of Taiwan as a separate country are omitted from translations. Even a toddler's bedtime story is part of a bigger political picture.
雖不似毛澤東時代那樣顯而易見,但政治思想依舊根深蒂固。出版機構內部其實委派了相關的書籍檢查員來確保這些讀物不違背中共的路線。一位行政部門人員說道 她不會向兒童出版党審核出的“與敘述不符合的故事”類歷史書。那些不將臺灣劃入中國版圖的地圖無法翻譯出版。即使是兒童的睡前讀物也是巨大政治圖景的一部 分。

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