


托福閱讀真經的題目來自實戰真題(非TPO), 所以考場上都有機會再次重現,所以大家一定要好好練習哦。新題出題思路和難度都特別符合現在的考試趨勢,所以推薦給大家。

今天的題目是一道閱讀句子簡化題(sentence simplification question)。

Which of the sentences below best expresses the essential information in the highlighted sentence in the passage? Incorrect choices change the meaning in important ways or leave out essential information.

原句:One idea developed during the late nineteenth century was that there existed in the remote geological past a vast Southern Hemisphere continent—in other words, that the modern continents of the Southern Hemisphere were somehow connected long ago, thus explaining the similarities in fauna and flora.

(A) The similarities in fauna and flora across Southern Hemisphere continents were explained in the late nineteenth century.
(B) In the nineteenth century it was discovered that the Southern Hemisphere continents contain fauna and flora that are highly similar.
(C) In the nineteenth century, it was suggested that the modern continents of the Southern Hemisphere were once connected.
(D) The fauna and flora of the modern continents of the Southern Hemisphere were found to be very similar in the late nineteenth century.








~~~ 答案請下拉 ~~~












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