今日主題:Kid Scientist Finds Sweet Pest Control
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Eleven-year-old Simon Kaschock-Marenda's science fair project led to a publication about the insecticidal effects of the sweetener Truvia. Karen Hopkin reports.
根據11歲的Simon Kaschock-Marenda科學展項目的研究,發表了一篇關於甜味劑Truvia 殺蟲作用的文章。凱倫•霍普金報導。
You can catch more flies with honey than with vinegar. But if you want to kill them, you might try Truvia.
Because a new study shows that the active ingredient in this popular sweetener can act as an insecticide.
The study began as a sixth-grade science-fair project. Eleven-year-old Simon Kaschock-Marenda noticed that his parents had stopped using sugar.
在一項最初是一個小學6年級科學展項目的研究中,11歲的Simon Kaschock-Marenda注意到他的父母已經停止用糖。
So he decided to see how different sweeteners affect the health of fruit flies.
He and his dad, a card-carrying biologist, offered the flies food spiked with a variety of no-cal sweeteners.
Six days into the experiment all the Truvia-fed flies were dead, while those stuck with Sweet-n-low, Splenda or Equal lived five to seven weeks.
經過6天的實驗,吃了Truvia 甜味劑的果蠅都死了,而那些吃了Sweet-n-low, Splenda 和Equal這些牌子甜味劑的果蠅可以活5-7周。
Why Truvia makes flies drop like flies is still a mystery. Back in the lab, the researchers confirmed that the bugs weren’t starving: they all continued to eat.
為什麼Truvia 甜味劑能使果蠅大量死亡,這仍然是一個謎。回到實驗室,研究人員證實這些蟲子並不饑餓,卻一直在吃。
Most actually seemed to prefer Truvia to real sugar when offered a choice, findings published in the journal PLOS One. [Kaitlin M. Baudier et al, Erythritol, a Non-Nutritive Sugar Alcohol Sweetener and the Main Component of Truvia®, Is a Palatable Ingested Insecticide]
發表在《公共科學圖書館•綜合》雜誌的研究表明,比起真正的糖來說,果蠅實際上更喜歡Truvia 甜味劑。
Next, the researchers will see if the sweetener kills other bugs, like cockroaches or ants. Until then, try tossing a little Truvia in your coffee, and on the counter.
—Karen Hopkin