



🌷楊梅 arbutus- 我只愛你 you are the only one I love

🌷矢車菊 bachelor button- 單身的幸福 single blessedness

🌷愛爾蘭風鈴草 belis of Ireland- 好運氣 Good luck

🌷野風信子 bluebell- 謙虛 humulity

🌷茶花(粉色) camellia- 渴望着你 longing for you

🌷茶花(紅色) camellia- 你是我心中的火焰 You're a flame in my heart

🌷茶花(白色) camellia- 你值得敬慕 You're adorable

🌷康乃馨(一般的說) carnation- 魅力使人柔弱的愛 fascination, womanized love

🌷康乃馨(粉色) carnation- 我永遠不會忘了你 I'll never forget you

🌷康乃馨(紅色) carnation- 我的心為你而痛,讚賞 My heart aches for you, admiration

🌷康乃馨(紫色) carnation- 任性 capriciousness

🌷康乃馨(原色) carnation (solid color)- 是 yes

🌷康乃馨(有斑紋) carnation (stripped)- 不!拒絕,我不能和你在一起 No! Refusal, sorry I can't be with you

🌷康乃馨(黃色) carnation- 你讓我感到失望,拋棄 You have disappointed me, rejection

🌷波斯菊 coreopsis- 永遠快樂 always cheerful

🌷雛菊 daisy- 天真無邪,忠誠的愛,我永遠不會說的,純正 innocence, loyal love,, I'll never tell, purity

🌷蒲公英 dandelion- 忠誠,幸福 faithfuleness, happiness

🌷枯萎的葉子 dead leaves- 悲傷 sadness

🌷勿忘我 forget me not- 真愛,記憶 True love, memories

🌷梔子花 gardenia- 你可愛,秘密的愛 You're lovely, secret love

🌷大蒜 garlic- 勇氣與力量 courage, strength

🌷天竺葵 geranium- 愚蠢,荒唐 stupidity, folly

🌷草 grass- 服從 submission

🌷冬青 holly- 防禦,家庭幸福 defense, domestic hapiness

🌷風信子(一般說來) hyacinth- 遊戲和體育,富有,獻身與太陽神 games and sports, richness, dedicated to Apollo

🌷常春藤 Ivy- 結合的愛,忠實,友誼,情感 wedded love, fidelity, friendship, affection

🌷黃水仙 jonquil- 愛我吧,情感得到回報,慾望,同情,想要情感得到回報 love me, affection returned, desire, sympathy, desire for affection returned

🌷丁香花 lilac- 美麗 beauty

🌷百合花(橙色) lily- 仇恨 hatred

🌷玫瑰(單枝全開的) rose (single full bloom)- 我愛你,我依然愛你 I love you, I still love you

🌷鬱金香(一般) tulip- 完美的愛情,傳說,荷蘭之國花幸運 perfect lover, fame, flower emblem of Holland, luck

🌷鬱金香(紅色) tulip- 相信我,愛的宣言 believe me, declaration of love

🌷鬱金香(雜色的) tulip (variegated)- 美麗的眼睛 beautiful eyes

🌷鬱金香(黃色的) tulip- 陽光般的笑容 There's sunshine in your smile

🌷紫羅蘭 violet- 質樸,美德 modesty, virtue

🌷紫羅蘭(蘭色) violet- 警戒,忠誠,我將永遠忠誠 watchfulness, faithfulness, I'll always be true

🌷紫羅蘭(白色) violet- 讓我們抓住幸福的機會吧 Let's take a chance on happiness

🌷太陽花 sunflower- 驕傲 pride
單身的就在家裡放滿”矢車菊”就對了 :J


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