Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: Playing sports teaches people lessons about life.
一拿到這道題,許多同學會想當然地把題目看成playing sports的好處並用萬能理由法給出了三個理由:減少壓力(alleviate pressure)、維持健康的身體狀況(maintain healthy physical condition)以及拓寬人際圈(extend your scope of relationship)。但是重新看題目,才會發現key words限定於體育是否可以教會人們生活中的道理,之前的萬能理由也都用不上了。這種情況怎麼辦呢?其實,在碰到思路有局限的題目時,拆分法是制勝的不二法門,我們可以選擇讓題目裡的key
words具體化。比如,這道題當中,出現了一個關鍵字叫做 sports,運用拆分法我們可以先把sports拆成各種運動種類football、long-distance running、badminton,再給出相應的理由——football (realize the importance of cooperating)/ long-distance running(persistence is required in achieving success)/ badminton (find out thesignificance of conducting flexible strategies),最後在根據分論點進行分別的展開和論證,文章就得以成型。
Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: People can solve important problems in their daily life on their own or with the help from families; the help from the government is not necessary.
這道題當中,不論選前者還是後者,都可以用拆分法解題。比如,我們選擇的thesis為政府在幫助人們解決日常生活中重要問題方面起到很大的作用,就可以運用拆分法把情況具體化。思路可以為:把problem進行具體化拆分,思考生活中面臨的什麼重大問題是需要政府幹預和解決的。這時候我們可能就想到醫療方面需要政府provide basic medical insurance,交通方面improve the construction of urban traffic facilities以及面對高犯罪率,需要政府come up with strategies to decrease the criminal rate。
Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: Teachers should be paid at least as much as doctors, lawyers or business leaders are paid.
在這道題中,如果一時想不到合適的思路,可以使用拆分法。題幹當中,我們可以選擇 teachers作為被拆分的主體。按照時間,可以分為小學老師、中學老師以及大學老師。如果中心論點立意為老師值得高薪,則三個分論點可以分別為:小學老師play a pivotal role in cultivating children’s initial values of distinguishing right from wrong,中學老師instill vital theoretical knowledge for high school students to establish their knowledge system,大學老師provides professional guidance for college students to find out their career path。最後得出結論,正是因為這三點理由,所以可以得出各個階段的老師都需要獲得高薪。
Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: Advertisements make products seem better than they are.
媒體類題對於同學們來說可能會有些生疏,但實際上運用拆分法,也可以很好的解題。面對這道題目,我們可以很容易地找出關鍵字為廣告,根據拆分法,advertisements可以按照廣告的類別進行具體化分析,比如分為廣播廣告(radio advertisements)、電視廣告(TV commercials)、雜誌廣告(magazine advertisements)。接下來,思考的部分是這三類廣告分別怎樣使得產品比真實情況看起來更好。可能可以給出的理由比如:廣播廣告通常會使用專家採訪來提高產品功效的可信度(enhance the reliability of target products’ efficacy) 、電視廣告通過吸引觀眾的廣告語來強化產品的品質 (using appealing slogans to emphasize the quality of products) 、雜誌廣告裡常見的手法是通過處理圖片來強化產品效果(intensify product effect through processing the images) 。
Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: The rules that the whole societies today expect to young people to follow and obey are too strict。
這道題很多同學剛拿到的時候都有種無從下手的感覺,但是沉著冷靜下來,會發現最優的方法是選擇拆分。例如,我們選擇的中心論點為:rules並沒有過於嚴格。在整個題幹中,我們可以選擇拆分 the whole societies,分析在哪些地方,學生遇到的rules是必須的。這時候,我們就會發現,在學校裡學生被要求統一穿校服 (in order to reduce comparison among students from different family backgrounds),在家庭當中孩子被要求尊老愛幼 (which is crucial for establishing a harmonious family),在社會當中,法律對年輕人的飲酒年齡有要求 (for the sake of young people’s well-being)。通過拆分,我們很快可以把這道題的思路拓寬。