
今日主題:Bouncy Gait Improves Mood

托福聽力最好的課外教材:60-Second Science

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4. 堅持天天聽,就能每天進步哦。

​​​​​​​ MP3音檔:喜歡的同學,幫忙推或按讚哦~~

​​​​​​​ 只有音檔怎夠,聽不懂地方,不用怕,康康幫你準備好中英文稿了:

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ 中英文稿:
A good mood may put a spring in your step. But the opposite can work too: purposefully putting a spring in your step can improve your mood. That's the finding from a study in the Journal of Behavior Therapy and Experimental Psychiatry.

\Scientists showed volunteers a list of negative and positive words, like afraid and anxious, or sunny and pretty. Then the subjects had to walk on a treadmill while watching a gauge that moved left or right.

But here's what the participants did not know: if their stance—for example, slumped shoulders—seemed to indicate a down mood the gauge moved to the left. If their walk was more upbeat, say with swinging arms, the gauge moved to the right. The scientists asked half the subjects to adjust their walking style until the gauge moved to the right, and the other half so that the gauge went the left. Each group quickly learned what adjustments moved the gauge in the desired direction.
但志願者們並不知道:如果他們的姿態暗示的是消極的情緒,比如垂肩,計量儀就會移到左邊;如果他們的步調很歡快,比如擺動手臂,計量儀就會移到右邊。科學 家要求一半志願者調整他們的行走方式直到計量儀移到右邊,另一半則反之。每一組都很快瞭解到什麼樣的調整能使計量儀移動到預期的那一邊。

Then the subjects had to write down as many words from the list that they remembered. And those who walked with a depressed gait recalled more negative terms, while the ones who were asked to walk in a more upbeat style came up with many more positive words.

Past research has shown that depressed people tend to remember negative words and happier people tend to remember happy words. So this study suggests that the way we walk influences our mental state. And that we can change our state by changing our gait.


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