今天為大家推薦笑點滿滿的《生活大爆炸》(The Big Bang Theory)中,理工男謝耳朵的撩妹表白金句。作為一隻智商極高情商極低的不合格男友,卻可以說出這麼浪漫的話,大家趕快一起來學學吧!
(1)If I am going to a barren, lifeless environment, where the chances of survival are slim to none, I want you there with me.
(2)I blame you. You distract me. I’ve been distracted since the moment I met you.
都怪你,你害我分心,從遇見你的那一刻,你就讓我分心。 Blame 作為名詞時,表示責備,過失。
(3)I was living like half a man. Then I couldn’t love, but now I can. I love the way you soften my life.
(4)When I look in your eyes and you’re looking back in mine, everything feels not quite normal.
當我望著你的眼睛,你也回望我的眼睛,一切變得都不一樣。這裡的look back 除了回望、回頭看以外,有回首的意思。