
最後,圈養狐猴是十分困難的。以the golden- crown lemurs為例,它們需要吃特定數量的種子和樹葉。因此,對於動物飼養者或科研者來說,圈養一種狐猴都是十分困難的,更不要說圈養二十種瀕危的狐猴了。

The writer puts forward three strategies to save the lemurs. However, the professor states that none of them could effectively stop lemurs' decline.
First, contrary to the belief in the reading that transforming narrow strips of agricultural land back to narrow corridors of new strips of forests could solve the habitat problem, the professor says that this method would not be supported. The reason why the lemurs avoid the edges of their forest is that their predators live just outside the forest. So, the new forested connection should be much wider to make the lemurs feel safe which would cost a large amount of human labors as well as money.
Second, another cause for lemurs' decline is poaching them as pets. The lecture points out that checking for lemurs at airports and seaports may reduce poaching. But poachers would not stop poaching because people in Madagascar regard lemurs as a special food. As a result, people would sell lemurs in markets and restaurants. So it is very difficulty for the authorities to check for the trading of lemurs.
Finally, the professor proposes that it would very difficulty for the zookeepers or scientists to raise lemurs in captivity which challenges the idea in the reading passage that breeding lemurs in captivity would reserve their populations. Take the golden- crown lemurs as an example. They must eat a variety of seed, foods, and leaves in very specific proportions and amounts. So it is very difficulty for zookeepers and scientists to set up a captive breeding program to feed more than twenty different endangered lemurs species.


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