目前分類:英文學習好文分享 (426)
- Mar 10 Thu 2016 17:24
- Mar 09 Wed 2016 10:42
- Mar 08 Tue 2016 11:08
✑ Despite being around for well over a decade, there are few set rules of 'digital etiquette' that everyone can agree on when it comes to using social media, emails and text messages.
- Mar 08 Tue 2016 11:04
➢ 電影裡老說“沒有永遠的敵人,只有永遠的利益”,還說“敵人的敵人就是朋友”。看來,在巨大的利益或者危機面前,對抗雙方聯手也不少見。這種情況在英語裡叫strange bedfellows,這個說法是偉大的莎士比亞創造的。
The phrase "strange bedfellows" means two people (or groups) of totally different qualities and principles working closely together, which is odd (strange) to see.
- Mar 03 Thu 2016 19:03
SAT全稱Scholastic Assessment Test,意為學術能力評估測試,由美國大學理事會(College Board)主辦,其成績是世界各國高中生申請美國大學入學資格及獎學金的重要參考,它與ACT(American College Test,美國高等院校考試)都被稱為美國高考。
SAT主要考察學生們在大學階段所必須的閱讀和寫作能力。考試科目分別為閱讀(Critical Reading)、數學(Mathematics)和寫作(Writing)。寫作由作文(Essay)和語法選擇題(multiple choice)組成。
自引入SAT考試以來,已經進行過多次改革。新的SAT考試改革將於3月份啟動,被稱為有史以來最大的一次改革(one of the greatest overhauls of the exam in its history)。那麼,新舊SAT到底有什麼不同?
✤ 1. 計分改變(Different scoring)
The new SAT is going back to the old 1600 scale (400-1600) and doing away with the 2400 scale (600-2400).
✤ 2. 答錯不倒扣分(No more penalty for wrong answers)
Students will earn points for the questions they answer correctly but will not lose points for incorrect answers, as they did on the old test.
✤ 3. 考試時長變短(Shorter test)
Not only will there be fewer questions, but students can spend less time taking the SAT. The old test took 225 minutes, but the new one takes 180 minutes, if you skip the essay.
✤ 4. 作文變選考(Essay now optional)
The College Board has made several changes to the SAT essay, the biggest of which is that it's now optional. Students are no longer required to write an essay, but some colleges and still require it.
✤ 5. 晦澀用詞變少(No more obscure vocabulary)
Instead of quizzing students on words they’ll never use again like “abrogate” or “plaudit”.
✤ 6. 計算機只在某些數學部分被允許使用(No-calculator math section)
The new SAT has two math sections, one where you can use a calculator and one where you can't. The no-calculator section is new and was designed to make it easier for colleges to assess students' understanding of math concepts, according to The College Board.
✤ 7. 圖形圖表變多(More graphs and charts)
The new test will have an increased emphasis on questions that make students infer information from graphs and charts, especially in the reading section.
- Mar 02 Wed 2016 17:24
- Mar 01 Tue 2016 18:33
Oscar statuettes: 10 facts you may not know
The Oscar statuette is the symbol of the Academy Awards. Here are some facts about the trophy itself.
❶ The original design of “Oscar” was by MGM art director Cedric Gibbons. He came up with a statuette of a knight standing on a reel of film gripping a crusader’s sword. The Academy commissioned the Los Angeles sculptor George Stanley to create the design in three dimensions.
❷ It was presented for the first time at the initial awards banquet on May 16, 1929 to Emil Jannings, named Best Actor for his performances in “The Last Command” and “The Way of All Flesh”.
❸ Since then, 2,701 statuettes have been presented.
❹ The new golden statuettes are cast, moulded, polished and buffed each January by RS Owens & Company, the Chicago-based awards manufacturer retained by the Academy since 1982.
❺ Oscar stands 13½ inches tall and weighs 8½ lbs.
❻ The film reel features five spokes, signifying the five original branches of the Academy: actors, directors, producers, technicians and writers. Although the statuette remains true to its original design, the size of the base varied until 1945, when the current standard was adopted.
❼ Officially named the Academy Award of Merit, the statuette is better known by its nickname, Oscar. While the origins of the moniker are not clear, a popular story has it that upon seeing the trophy for the first time, Academy librarian (and eventual executive director) Margaret Herrick remarked that it resembled her Uncle Oscar. The Academy didn’t adopt the nickname officially until 1939.
❽ The statuettes presented at the initial ceremonies were gold-plated solid bronze. Within a few years the bronze was abandoned in favour of Britannia metal, a pewter-like alloy which is then plated in copper, nickel silver, and finally, 24-carat gold.
❾ Due to a metal shortage during the Second World War, Oscars were made of painted plaster for three years. Following the war, the Academy invited recipients to redeem the plaster figures for gold-plated metal ones.
❿ The Academy is not certain know how many statuettes it will hand out until the envelopes are opened on the night of the ceremony. Although the number of categories are known in advance, the possibility of ties and of multiple recipients sharing the prize in some categories makes it impossible to predict the exact number of statuettes to be awarded. Any surplus awards are housed in the Academy’s vault until the following year's event.
- Mar 01 Tue 2016 18:08
- Feb 28 Sun 2016 17:59
- Feb 25 Thu 2016 18:53
- Feb 24 Wed 2016 18:37
- Feb 24 Wed 2016 17:32
"Fangirling" is a term used to describe extreme excitement over a certain fandom. For example, if you were a Hunger Games fan, and a new trailer came out, you might start fangirling, or freaking out from extreme excitement.
Fangirling是動詞,來源於fangirl。fangirl指的是a rabid breed of human female who is obesessed with either a fictional character or an actor.(對某個虛幻角色或演員明星無限癡迷的女生),相對應的男生就是fanboy。
The 14 Levels of Fangirling
❤ 1. Casual Fangirl 偶爾花癡一把
This show is pretty good. You're definitely going to see the sequel to that movie. The actors and actresses are talented, attractive individuals.
❤ 2. Fangirl Lite 不那麼花癡
Actually, this show is excellent. Is there fanfiction? You won't leave the cast photo as your screensaver for that long ... you needed a new one anyway.
❤ 3. Self-Aware Fangirl 有自知之明的花癡
Yes, you've watched the trailer ten times just to make sure you caught all the subtext. And maybe occasionally paused on close-ups of the leads' faces -- just to see what their facial expressions said about the plot. But you're not going to tell anyone about it.
是的, 這部預告片你已經看了不下十遍,以便搞清楚所有的弦外之音。或許你偶爾還會特別留意下主演面容的特寫,就為了看看他們的表情能透露啥劇情。但你不會跟別人講。
❤ 4. Collector Fangirl 花癡“收藏家”
You just need a T-shirt with that one quote on it. And maybe a sticker of your favorite character. And an exact replica of that ring they found in that one episode.
❤ 5. Fangirl Denial 克制型花癡
The next movie in the series came out, and you read that the actors are trying not to laugh at an inside joke in the last scene. And when the lead actress pointed in the first scene what did she really mean? Maybe you should talk about something else.
❤ 6. Fangirl Submission 花癡“投降派”
You know your friends are sick of hearing about your fandom. You know you should talk about something else, but the feels are too overwhelming. You have to share them with someone. Anyone.
❤ 7. Overtaken Fangirl 徹底的花癡
The story is just so perfect: the lines, and the way the characters say the lines with their mouths and their voices. How is anyone talking about anything else?!
❤ 8. Apologetic Fangirl 要認錯的花癡
You realize you've been a bit obsessive and you feel it's time to apologize to your non-fandom friends for trying to drag them into it.
❤ 9. Fangirl Community 一起來花癡
You discover message boards and fanblogs. There is a whole slew of people just like you.
❤ 10. Analytic Fangirl 分析型花癡
After watching that one scene for the hundredth time, the line repeated two seasons later totally makes sense! Did anyone else catch how the lead said "hey" to his lady friend? They are so in love. Everything makes sense.
❤ 11. Judgmental Fangirl 判斷型花癡
This is a level many will skip, as fandoms are supposed to support the community. But if someone doesn't know the name of the restaurant in episode 203? Judging you.
❤ 12. Raging Fangirl 憤怒的花癡
❤ 13. Unapologetic Fangirl 不願認錯的花癡
Your fandom is the best fandom. Your characters are the best characters. You are not interested in hearing from anyone who disagrees.
❤ 14. Fangirl Exhaustion 極品花癡
Completely obsessing over a piece of pop culture can be tiresome, and sometimes you just need a break. Unfortunately that's not going to happen, because there are GIFs to be made and fan art to be drawn.
Whatever you're level may be, it's OK.
People offline might not understand your devotion.
But the internet understands
- Feb 19 Fri 2016 17:57
【英文學習】打哈欠會傳染 女性間尤如此
ూ 打哈欠會傳染 女性間尤如此 ూ
Yawning is MORE contagious among women due to their higher levels of empathy
It's a well-known fact that yawning is contagious and can spread around a room in a matter of seconds, but it turns out the phenomenon is more common among women.
➻ 眾所周知,打哈欠是會傳染的,一個房間裡的人陸續打哈欠,也就是幾秒的事兒。更有結果證明,這種傳染在女性之間更為普遍。
During tests, researchers found that while men and women yawn spontaneously at equal rates, women are more likely to yawn in 'reply' to another person's yawn.
➻ 在測試過程中,研究人員發現,相同頻率下,男人和女人自發地打哈欠時,女性更可能會受他人影響打哈欠。
Yawning in response to someone else is a recognized sign of empathy, which suggests that women are more empathetic and attuned to others than men.
➻ 回應別人的哈欠是個公認的移情標誌。因此上面的結果表明,與男人相比,女性更加善解人意。
The research was carried out at Pisa University in Italy.
➻ 這項研究是在義大利的比薩大學進行的。
Empathy is the ability to understand and share the internal emotional states of others, and previous research has already shown that women are better at it than men.
➻ 移情是理解和分享他人內心情緒狀態的能力,以前的研究已經表明,女性的移情能力要比男性更強。
For example, research has revealed women more often mimic the facial expressions of others, showing they are picking up on the other person's state of mind.
➻ 例如研究發現,女性更經常模仿別人的面部表情,這表明她們正在揣摩別人的心理狀態。
A team led by Elisabetta Palagi, set out to examine whether women are more likely to unconsciously mimic another person's yawning.
➻ 伊莉莎白·帕拉吉帶領的團隊,對女性是否“更可能無意識地模仿另一個人打哈欠”進行了研究。
To test their theory, the experts secretly observed people in hundreds of work and social situations over a period of five years.
➻ 為了檢驗他們的理論,專家們在五年時間裡,秘密觀察了數百名不同工作背景和社會環境的人。
They particularly noted if subjects 'returned' another person's yawn within three minutes.
➻ 他們特別注意受試者是否會在三分鐘內對他人的哈欠做出回應,
The authors, writing in the journal Royal Society Open Science, defined yawning scientifically as 'an involuntary sequence of mouth opening, deep inspiration, brief apnoea [stopping breathing] and slow expiration'.
➻ 研究結果發佈在《皇家社會開放科學》雜誌上。作者把哈欠科學地定義為“先張口,深吸氣,簡短的無呼吸狀態[呼吸暫停],然後慢慢的呼氣”這樣一個不由自主的過程。
While they said men and women yawned spontaneously at equal rates, they discovered that once someone had yawned, female participants were more likely to yawn as well.
➻ 雖然研究人員稱男人和女人打哈欠的自發率相同,但他們也發現,一旦有人打了個哈欠,女性更容易跟著打哈欠。
Explaining why they think women are more likely to unconsciously mimic somebody else's sleepiness, the researchers said that having a close emotional bond with the 'trigger' yawner – if they are friends or relations - makes a person more likely to pick up on their mood than that of a stranger.
➻ 在解釋為什麼認為女性更可能會無意識地模仿別人的哈欠時,研究人員表示,如果你與最先打哈欠的人有親密的情感關係——比如打哈欠的人是你的朋友或親戚,你就會比一個陌生人更容易理解他們的心情。
The rates of contagion were significantly lower between acquaintances than between friends and family members, and significantly higher in women than in men.
➻ 熟人之間的接觸傳染率明顯低於朋友與家庭成員之間的接觸傳染率,而女性之間的接觸傳染率又明顯高於男性。
The phenomenon has been seen in other social animals, such as chimps, dogs and wolves.
➻ 在其他群居動物(如黑猩猩、狗和狼)身上,研究人員也看到了這種現象。
- Feb 17 Wed 2016 16:39
Have YOU been using your chopsticks wrong?
♆ An Australian woman has accidentally become a viral online sensation after sharing an image of a 'life hack' which has shown people worldwide they've been using chopsticks wrong all their lives.
♆ The nifty trick is fairly simple: just snap the chunky wooden tab off the end of a pair of disposable chopsticks and use it as a stand to avoid putting utensils straight onto the table.
♆ However, it seems the trick was enough to break the Internet when people reacted to the ground-breaking chopsticks news with absolute shock and amazement.
♆ An Australian woman saw the photo on Facebook and, deciding it was funny, thought she'd reshare it on Twitter. It has now been retweeted 3,200 times and favourited more than three thousand times.
♆ Bort of Darkness' tweet went viral almost immediately and, two days later, she can still barely use her phone as she is bombarded with messages and retweets from amazed social media users.
♆ The bemused young woman has also now been credited as the brainchild behind the life hack in news articles around the world, from Ireland to Germany.
♆ People have responded to Bort's tweet with other fascinating, little known hacks.
'This is the same feeling I got when I discovered the noodle boxes fold out into bowls,' one person tweeted.
♆ 'This is like learning about the string on bandaids,' another replied, explaining a string on the bandaid packaging can be used to cleanly unwrap a bandaid without ripping the packet.
She jokes the response has been so huge considering 'I tweeted a dumb picture, I didn't invent chopsticks.'
♆ Although she's found the staggering response quite absurd, Bort says it's given her an intriguing insight into how quickly online content can go viral.
- Feb 16 Tue 2016 16:39
A study that analyzed the DNA of self-professed 'night owls' and 'morning larks' found that people who like to rise early tend to be thinner than those who go to bed later.
- Feb 16 Tue 2016 16:31
1. the life and soul of a party 派對台柱/派對擔當
- Feb 16 Tue 2016 16:25
【英文學習】倫敦地鐵的不成文禁忌 你都知道嗎?
倫敦地鐵的不成文禁忌 你都知道嗎?🚃🚃🚃🚃🚃
How to behave on the Tube: unbreakable rules of the London Underground
♝Transport for London caused fear, shock, panic and dismay at Holborn station back in November when they piloted a new crowd control system that flew in the face of traditional tube travel etiquette.
For three weeks, station staff actively encouraged travellers to stand on both the left and right sides of the escalator, breaking the long-established ‘stand on the right, walk on the left’ protocol, in the hope it would increase the number of people ascending.
- Feb 16 Tue 2016 16:18
✪ I'm good ✪
I'm good除了可以用來回答How are you?,表示“我很好”之外,還常用於:
- Do you want some chips with your sandwich?
- No, I'm good. Thanks.
- Do you have any questions?
- No, I'm good.
- Do you wanna go to a strip club?
- I'm good.
- Feb 16 Tue 2016 16:14
➤Typically a humorous word referring to 'stomach pain or queasiness', collywobbles also refers figuratively to 'intense anxiety or nervousness, especially with stomach queasiness'. The word comes from the fanciful formation of colic + wobble, and in its figurative usage can be equated to the more common butterflies in the stomach, belly. Referring to 'a fluttering and nauseated sensation felt in the stomach when one is nervous', the phrase is often clipped to just 'the butterflies'.
- Feb 16 Tue 2016 16:09