
 今日主題:Is social media a distraction?  社交媒體會令我們分心嗎?


1. 先聽兩三遍 (不看文稿)
2. 再一句一句聽寫 (每句都要聽寫數遍,直到寫出85%以上的字)
3. 最後check文稿,看哪聽不出來,單字沒背過,還是發音不熟。
4. 堅持天天聽,就能每天進步哦。

 MP3音檔 (按右鍵可下載聽):喜歡的同學,幫忙推或按讚哦~~


Hello and welcome to 6 Minute English. I’m Sophie…
Neil? … [sound of a smartphone] Neil!
Oh, sorry! … And I’m Neil.
Neil, please put down your phone. We’re doing the show!
Yeah, I know. Hang on a minute. I just need to tweet something and… Done!
And the subject of today’s show is social media and its impact on our daily lives.
Hmm, well, I suppose it has had quite a big impact on mine.
That’s all too clear. Now, perhaps we can move on to today’s quiz question?
Of course – I’m all ears.[sound of a smartphone] Oh, hang on, wait a second…
There’s a word to describe what you’re doing, you know. Answer me this: Which word describes a situation where you’re talking to someone and they suddenly look down at their phone or answer it?Is it…a) phobbing? b) phibbing? Or c) phubbing?
有一個詞可以形容你現在的狀態。回答我這個問題:哪個詞形容你在與某人說話,而他們突然向下看手機或回電話這種情形?a) phobbing? b) phibbing? 還是 c) phubbing?(低頭族)
Well, you’ve got me there, Sophie! I have no idea! But I’ll guess that it’s c) phubbing!
你問住我了,蘇菲。我不知道!但我猜是c) phubbing。
Well, we’ll find out later on in the show whether you got the answer right or not. Now, let’s move on and talk about phone etiquette– etiquette means rules of polite behaviour in society or among people in a certain group.
Well… interrupting conversations to check your phone has become a social norm, hasn’t it, Sophie?
Social norms are the rules of behaviour considered acceptable in a group or society. I don’t agree, Neil! Let’s listen to Professor Sherry Turkle of Massachusetts Institute of Technology talking about social norms amongst students.
社會規範是指被社會或某一群體所接納的行為規範。我不同意,尼爾!讓我們聽聽麻省理工大學Sherry Turkle教授談論學生中的社會規範。
I interviewed hundreds of college students and what they talked about was what some of them called ’the rule of three’.And what the rule of three is which is that if you go to dinner with friends, you don’t want to look down at your phone until you see that three people, let’s say you’re six at dinner, are looking up in the conversation. So there’s a new etiquette where you don’t look down unless three people are looking up kind of to keep a little conversation alive.
Professor Sherry Turkle.
上述是Sherry Turkle教授的看法。
Why don’t you try out the rule of three once in a while?
There are only two of us here, Sophie - do the math! And I’m listening to you… mmm… let me just send a text message here on my phone ... hang on…
Neil… NEIL! I’m not going to carry on with the show unless you pay attention!
Sorry, Sophie. Actually I was just doing that to wind you up.I wasn’t really using my phone… Sorry.
And to wind someone up means to say or do something deliberately in order to annoy someone. Well, I do get wound up about people constantly checking their devices. Yesterday, I was in a café and two girls came in. They sat down and started chatting away – but not to each other – they were tapping away at their devices. And there was no face-to-face conversation at all!
But you can have moments of connection using your devices, you know?
If you have a connection with someone you engage emotionally.
Exactly. I was on the train this morning and there were a couple sharing a tablet. They were looking at the screen, and talking about what they saw there. It was very intimate, and they were… well… very connected. Let’s hear from Ian Sinclair, British poet and filmmaker, talking about a new generation of connected humans.
沒錯。今早我乘地鐵,有一對夫妻在一起看平板電腦。他們看著螢幕,討論看的內容。這也非常親近,也是加深彼此交流的方式。我們聽聽英國詩人及電影製作人Ian Sinclair講述新一代人如何加深彼此交流。
Physiologically we’re changing, that almost the neck muscles are tipped over to look down. We’re getting a new kind of human being. And I think – maybe I’m not getting it – but there is actually a different kind of intimacy emerging in which these instruments are very important.
So Iain Sinclair says our physiology is changing– our bodies, our neck muscles are changing – to make it easier to look down all the time at our devices! But it isn’t only muscles that might change as a result of our techie habits– it’s the way we interact – or engage with each other too. Ian Sinclair talks about a different kind of intimacy emerging – what does he mean, Neil?
所以Ian Sinclair說我們的生理機能在發生改變,我們的身體,我們頸部的肌肉在發生改變,為了更容易隨時向下看手機!使用手機不僅使我們的肌肉發生改變,同 時也改變了我們互動的方式,也就是彼此交流的方式。Ian Sinclair說形成一種不同尋常的親密感,這是什麼意思呢?
Our intimacy – or closeness – with other people is somehow connected up with our devices. They’ve become part of us. And I expect some day devices will literally be part of us – an implant in our necks or something.
What a horrible thought!
Let’s have the quiz question again Sophie to take your mind off it.
OK. I asked: Which word describes a situation where you’re talking to someone and they suddenly look down at their phone or answer it? Is it…a) phobbing? b) phibbing? Or c) phubbing?
好吧。我的問題是:哪個詞形容你在與某人說話,而他們突然向下看手機或回電話這種情形?a) phobbing? b) phibbing? 還是c) phubbing?
And I said c) phubbing.
我選的是c) phubbing。
You were right, Neil! Well done! It’s a combination of’ ’phone’ and ’snubbing’ – snub means to deliberately ignore someone you know. New words formed by putting together parts of existing words are known as blends or portmanteau words. And ’phubbing’ is starting to appear in some online dictionaries. Now can we hear the words we learned today?
Neil? OK! I’ll say the words myself:
wind someone up
have a connection with someone
Well, that’s the end of today’s 6 Minute English.Don’t forget to connect with us again soon! Come on Neil, connect with us! Come on!
Oh, yeah, hang on, just got to…
Hang on… I’ll be with you in a second… Yes. OK. Bye!


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