【ART 藝術】:Paint 繪畫
1. canvas [ˋkænvəs] n. 畫布
Canvas is used for painting on, usually with oil paint.
2. palette [ˋpælɪt] n. 調色板
A palette is a board with a curved edge and a hole for the thumb, on which a painter mixes colors.
3. easel [ˋizḷ] n. 畫架 (= drawing board)
An easel is a stand for holding a picture so that the artist may find it easier to paint the picture.
4. gallery [ˋgælərɪ] n. 畫展;畫廊 (= art exhibition)
A gallery is a building or room used to show collections of paintings or other works of art.
5. pigment [ˋpɪgmənt] n. 色素;顏料
Pigment is dry coloring matters to be mixed with water, oil, or another base to produce paint and similar products.