
 今日主題:Raw Stone Age Meals Got Tenderizing Treatment  食為天


 洪欣老師推薦:托福聽力最好的課外教材:60-Second Science

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Chimpanzees spend about half their day chewing. "And for context, think about how much time a day you spend chewing." Daniel Lieberman, a professor of human evolutionary biology at Harvard University. "So how did we make that transition, from spending most of our day or half of our day chewing, to spending less than five percent?"

Cooking certainly tenderizes food, making it easier to chew and digest. But evidence for human cookfires goes back only about 500,000 years, if that. And Homo erectus had already evolved weaker jaws, and smaller teeth, more than a million years before that. So Lieberman and his colleague Katherine Zink began their investigation by recreating a paleolithic dinner: yams, carrots, beets… and goat meat. "If you were to try to eat some raw goat with your teeth you would find that you would chew and chew and chew, it's like bubblegum."
烹調確實把食物軟化了,使食物更易咀嚼消化。但是,有證據顯示人類使用火來烹調的時間只能追溯到大約500000年前,如果確實的話。而直立人進化出弱化 的下頜以及較小的牙齒的時間,比那時還要早一百萬年呀。所以利伯曼和他的同事凱薩琳•辛克開始通過重塑舊石器時代的晚餐的情況來對此事進行調查研究:有白 薯,胡蘿蔔,甜菜和山羊肉。如果你曾試著用牙齒直接吃生羊肉,你會發現你需要不停的嚼啊嚼啊,就像在吃泡泡糖。

Lucky volunteers got to experience that, by chewing the food. Either in its wild, un-tenderized state, or after it was bashed or sliced with Flintstonian tools. As the study subjects ate, the researchers monitored the frequency and force of each chew. And they found that a diet of abundant, pre-sliced meat, with a side of pounded root vegetables, might have saved Homo erectus two and a half million chews a year. Meaning: less need for big, bulky jaws and teeth. The research is in the journal Nature.
有些幸運的志願者參與調查時通過吃食物經歷了上述情景。不管是原始的,未經烹調的狀態,或者是在用工具敲打切碎後的食物。研究人員們檢測了他們每次咀嚼的 頻率和力度。結果發現,豐富的提前切好的肉類,配上一些根莖類蔬菜,也許可以使直立人每年少拒絕250萬次咀嚼。意味著:就不需要巨大的,笨重的下頜以及 牙齒。該研究已經發表在《自然》雜誌上。

Of course, these days "processed food" has a pretty bad rap. But for our ancestors, food processing was key. "It's hard for people today to imagine what it was like to eat and cook and hunt during those times. For the vast majority of our evolutionary history, our ancestors had to work pretty hard to chew their dinner." Something for you to chew on, perhaps over dinner tonight.
當然,近年來的加工食品口碑不是很好。但是對於我們的祖先來講,加工處理食物可是進化的關鍵。對當下的人類來講,很難想像他們在當時原始條件下吃東西、烹 飪以及狩獵這類活動。對於我們人類進化歷史上佔有相當大的一部分時間,我們的祖先不得不花費在晚餐上面。對你來講,吃那些東西或許要花費一整晚才能搞定。


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