【EVOLUTION 演化】:breeding繁殖
1. hatch [hætʃ] v. 孵
Some animals hatch to produce young from an egg by applying natural or artificial heat
● Incubation 孵化
● hatchery 孵卵所
2. spawn [spɔn] v. 產卵
When fish or animals such as frogs spawn, they lay their eggs in great numbers.
● oviparity 卵生
● viviparity 胎生
● ovoviviparity 卵胎生
3. offspring [ˋɔf͵sprɪŋ] n. 後代 (= young)
The progeny or descendants of a person, animal, or plant are called offspring.
4. breed [brid] n. 品種;v. 繁殖
A breed of a pet animal or farm animal is a particular type of it.
● breeding-ground 繁殖地
● breeder 飼育員
● breeding season 繁殖季節
5. multiply [ˋmʌltəplaɪ] v. 繁殖 (= reproduce;procreate;fertilization)
To multiply is to breed or propagate. As everybody knows, rabbits multiply rapidly.