
今日主題:International schools-- The new local  國際學校--地方化趨勢

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International schools-- The new local

English - language schools once aimed at expatriates now cater to domestic elites

IN 1979, when Ken Ross was eight, his family moved from Scotland to France for his father's job with IBM. The computer firm paid the fees at the English School of Paris, where his classmates were mostly children of expats from Britain and elsewhere: managers, army officers, diplomats and the like. A couple were Saudi princes. For the most recent class reunion, old boys and girls flew in from as far afield as China and South Africa.
1979年,那時候Ken Ross年8歲,因為父親在IBM上班,他的家從蘇格蘭搬到法國。IBM支付了他在巴黎上英文學校的學費。在那裡,他的同學大都從英國和其他地方來的移民 的孩子:經理的、軍官的、外交官等的孩子。其中一對夫婦是還是沙特王子。為了參加最近的一次班級聚會,已經成年的男孩子、女孩子要從中國和南非這樣遠的地 方飛過來。

Since then, there has been a boom in such “international schools”, which teach in English in non - Anglophone countries, mostly offering British A - levels, American APs and SATs, or the International Baccalaureate. During the past quarter - century, according to the International School Consultancy Group (ISC), based in Britain, their number has grown from under 1,000 to more than 7,300. In the 2013-14 academic year they generated $41.6 billion in revenue and taught 3.75 m pupils globally (see chart). Twenty - two countries have more than 100 international schools, headed by the UAE, with 478, and China, with 445.
從他那個時代開始,許多這樣的“國際學校”冒了出來,這些學校在非英語國家用英文教學,大都提供英國高考、美國預科及高考服務或頒發國際文憑。在過去的 25年裡,根據在總部設在英國的國際學校諮詢集團(ISC)的統計,這些學校的數量已經從不到1000所增長到超過7300所。在2013-14學年,它 們在全球創造了416億美元的收益,培養了375萬學生(見圖表)。有22個國家擁有的國際學校數量超過100所,阿聯酋以478所獨佔鰲頭,中國則緊隨 其後,有445所。

But nowadays international schools increasingly belie their name. Though their clientele varies from place to place, four - fifths of the pupils they teach around the world are locals, the ISC calculates. Thirty years ago, just a fifth were. The main reason is increased demand for schooling mostly or entirely in English, both in rich countries (Mr Ross's alma mater now has a large French contingent), and even more from rich parents in developing countries who want their children to be able to go to university in Britain or North America. “When people make money, they want their children to learn English,” says Nicholas Brummitt of the ISC. “When they make some more money, they want them to learn in English.”
可是,如今的國際學校卻越來越名不副實。據ISC的計算,儘管各個地方客戶的情況有所不同,但全世界在國際學校上課學生中4/5是本地人。而30年前,這 個比例僅僅是1/5。這裡的主要原因是對以英語為主或全英語教學的需求增加了。在富裕國家如此(Ross的母校現在就有一大票法國學生);甚至是在發展中 國家的富裕家庭也是如此,這些父母希望子女有機會在英國或北美上大學。“人們掙錢了,就希望孩子學習英語,” ISC的Nicholas Brummitt如是說:“掙的錢越多,越希望孩子用英語學習”

This new elite can outspend even very highly paid foreign managers — and multinationals trying to cut costs are ever less willing to pay school fees. Locals are more appealing clients, too : their children tend to stay for their entire schooling, unlike “ expat brats ”, who are always moving on, leaving seats to be filled. And a parent - teacher association packed with the local elite is more help with bolshie bureaucrats than one full of foreigners.
本國精英階層願意甩出比高官厚祿的外籍經理人更多的真金白銀—並且那些跨國公司正在想法縮減開支而不願支付教育費用。這樣,本土精英就變得炙手可熱了:他 們的孩子更願意留在國內完成完整的學校教育,不願像“小老外”那樣總是顛沛流離,最後人走茶涼。另外對於古板的官老爺們來說,家長座談會上土豪們群英薈萃 可比塞了一屋子老外強多了。

Further growth is on the cards. In another decade, the ISC predicts, there will be 14,400 international schools worldwide, teaching 8.9 m pupils. Many will be run by local or regional firms who spy an opportunity (two - thirds of international schools are now run for profit, up from almost none 30 years ago). But ISC's market research suggests that quite a few British “ public ” (ie, private) schools plan to set up foreign outposts ; some already have, including Harrow, Marlborough, Wellington College and Dulwich College, the last of which opened its seventh overseas arm in Singapore in August. Most are franchise arrangements (though Marlborough's Malaysian branch is directly managed). For - profit global chains such as Nord Anglia Education, Cognita and GEMS are also planning new schools.
國際學校還可能會進一步增長。ISC預測,10年後全球將擁有14400所國際學校,在校學生890萬人。許多學校將由那些一直躍躍欲試的本土或本地公司 運營。(如今2/3的國際學校以盈利為目的,而30年前幾乎沒有。)但是ISC的市場調研認為,相當一部分英國“公立”(說白了是私立)學校計劃在國外建 立前哨站;一些學校已經暗渡陳倉,包括哈羅公學、馬爾伯勒中學、威靈頓公學、達利奇學院等,其中達利奇學院光8月就在新加坡開設了7個海外 分支機構。這些機構大多數是授權當地經營(雖然馬爾伯勒的馬來西亞公司是直營)。此外,諾德安達教育機構、COGNITA機構和巴樂基教育機構也都在規劃 新學校。

The biggest growth is forecast in the Middle East and East Asia. But which countries prove the most rewarding for investors depends partly on governments. Some countries make it hard for those who have been schooled outside the national system to get into university, meaning international - school customers risk closing off their children's future options. Chinese pupils without a foreign passport are barred from international schools. Singaporean citizens require government permission to attend international schools, rarely granted unless they have lived abroad. In South Korea a maximum of 30% of an international school's pupils can be locals.
中東和東亞預計增長最快。但到底哪些國家將為投資者帶來最大利潤,一定程度上要取決於政府。一些國家使得那些在本國教育系統之外的學生很難進入大學,這意 味著國際學校的客戶冒著孩子們未來選擇的權利的被剝奪的風險。例如:中國學生沒有國外護照則不能進入國際學校就讀;新加坡公民申請政府許可就讀國際學校很 少成功,除非申請人旅居海外。而在韓國,最多有30%的國際學校學生是本國人。

Malaysia's experience shows what would happen if any of these were to relax their rules. In 2012 it removed a 40% cap on the share of international schools' pupils allowed to be locals, partly to encourage the expansion of a sector seen as important in attracting foreign investment and partly to please parents who were becoming ever less willing to send their children to boarding schools overseas. In just two years the number of locals at the country's international schools has risen by a third, and Malaysians now account for more than half their pupils.
馬來西亞的經驗足以說明,如果這些國家放鬆規則會發生什麼。2012年,馬來西亞取消了對於當地人佔國際學校學生人數比例40%的上限,一方面鼓勵學校的 擴張被看作了吸引外資的重要手段,應一方面也為了取悅那些越來越不願意送孩子們去海外寄宿學校的家長。在短短兩年中,在該國國際學校的本國人的數量增加了 1/3,如今馬來西亞人超過學生總數的一半。

China - watchers are always alert to any hint of liberalisation. The country has 2.5 m dollar millionaires, many of whom would pounce at an international schooling for their offspring if they were allowed to. Since 2001 foreign groups and individuals have been allowed to own schools in partnership with Chinese ones, and since 2003 schools can be run for profit — but only authorised international schools can follow a foreign curriculum. The government fears losing control over what children are taught. Officials also argue that without strict rules Chinese parents could be gulled by greedy foreigners.
中國的觀察家們總是對自由化思潮防微杜漸。該國擁有250萬個百萬富翁(美元),如果條件允許,其中許多人願意為其下一代博取一個國際學校的功名。自從 2001年以來,外國組織和個人已被允許和中方聯合辦學,而從2003年開始,這些學校獲得盈利許可,但只有經過授權的國際學校才能引入國外課程。政府擔 心對孩子們的教學內容中失去控制權。此外當局還堅稱,如果沒有嚴格的規定,中國的家長們會被貪心的老外坑一把。

One way to profit in China despite the restrictions is to offer English - language international programmes in Chinese schools. Dipont Education, a Chinese - owned firm that grew out of an Australian one that helped Chinese students arrange foreign study trips and apply for visas, now runs centres in 27 Chinese schools in 17 cities. These teach A - levels, AP courses and the International Baccalaureate to 6,000 15- to 18- year - olds.
雖有限制,但在中國的盈利方式之一是在中國學校提供英語國際課程。狄邦教育是一家源於澳洲的中國公司,他們幫助中國學生安排國外留學行程併申請簽證,如今 該公司在17個中國城市中經營著27個學校服務中心。她們為6000個15到18歲的孩子提供英國高中,美國預科和美國大學課程。

A natural next step, says Vanessa Cumbers, Dipont's director of recruitment, would be for the firm to start training Chinese teachers in foreign teaching methods. “ Like anything in China, it's about localising,” she says. That prescription may make for less diverse class reunions, but it is ensuring the rude health of international schools everywhere.
自然而然,狄邦教育的招生主管Vanessa Cumbers說:對於公司而言,必然要開始用國外教育模式培養中國教師。“像中國其他任何領域一樣,都要本土化,”她說。本土化也許會讓未來的班級聚會少了些許多樣性,但能確保各地的國際學校的健康發展。

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