今日主題:Sweet Song Gives Away New Bird Species 美妙歌聲的秘密
洪欣老師推薦:托福聽力最好的課外教材:60-Second Science
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MP3音檔 (按右鍵可下載聽):喜歡的同學,幫忙推或按讚哦~~
That, of course, is the sound of the Himalayan forest thrush. And that sound was a clue to field researchers that they might have a new species of bird on their hands. Even though it was in the bush. You know what I mean.
You see, the Himalayan forest thrush looks a great deal like another well-known bird called the alpine thrush. They're both found in northeastern India and nearby parts of China. But the alpine thrush has a raspy song compared with the more mellifluous Himalayan forest thrush.
One of the researchers, Shashank Dalvi of India's National Center for Biological Sciences and the Wildlife Conservation Society, likened the two different birds to Rod Stewart versus Adele.
Further analyses, including of the birds' DNA, confirmed that the song differences were indicative of these birds indeed belonging to two separate species. The finding is in the journal Avian Research.
The discovery of a new bird species is relatively rare. Since the year 2000, ornithologists have found five new species annually on average, mostly in South America. So this newly characterized thrush—only the fourth new species found in India since it became independent in 1947—should send birdwatchers from all over the world flocking. I mean, it's a sound discovery.
發現新的鳥類物種是相當罕見的。自從2000年,鳥類學家平均每年發現5種新物種,而這些新的物種主要集中在南美洲。所以,自1947年印度獨立以後,這 種具有新特徵的畫眉,是在印度發現的第四個新物種。這項新發現應引起世界觀鳥者蜂擁而至。我的意思是,這樣才是驚奇的發現。