

今日主題:House Dust Organisms Reveal Location and Residents  房間內的塵土暴露你的行踪

洪欣老師推薦:托福聽力最好的課外教材:60-Second Science

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The dust that accumulates in the corners of your house does more than just cause allergies and aggravation—it’s also teeming with clues about where you live and who you live with. That’s the finding of a study in the Proceedings of the Royal Society B. [Albert Barberán et al, The ecology of microscopic life in household dust]
Researchers had volunteers at nearly 1,200 homes across the U.S. collect indoor and outdoor dust samples. The average home’s dust contains about 5,000 types of bacteria and 2,000 types of fungi.
房間的角落裡積攢的灰塵可不止引起過敏反應和病情惡化,它還能為識別居住地和居住者提供不少線索。這是近期發表在《英國皇家學會學報》 (Proceedings of the Royal Society B)上的一項研究成果(Albert

Barberán et al, The ecology of microscopic life in household dust)。研究者們採集了美國近1200戶志願者家庭室內及室外的灰塵樣本,結果顯示,每戶家庭的灰塵中平均含有5000種細菌和2000種真菌。
The fungi gave away a lot about a home’s location. Different regions have different fungal populations, and thus so do houses within those regions. For example, dwellings around the Great Lakes had very different fungi than did homes in Arizona—because most household fungi originate outside and come in either on people’s clothes or through windows and doors.
這些灰塵中的真菌能夠洩露不少關於家庭住址的秘密。不同的真菌種群通常分佈在不同的地區,因而我們能夠通過分析真菌種群判斷出住戶所在的地區。例如,五大 湖地區(the Great Lakes)和亞利桑那州(Arizona)居民家中的真菌就大不相同——因為大部分的家庭真菌都是靠沾染在人們的衣物上或通過門窗由室外進入室內的。

As for the bacteria, those were strong indicators of the identity of the home’s residents. Much of the bacteria was shed by the human body and was a pretty good indicator of a home’s gender ratio. The single-celled organisms also showed whether a pet shared the home—cats and dogs make their own contributions to the indoor bacterial menagerie.

The research could inform forensic investigations and allergy studies.

In the meantime, what can we take from these findings? Well, you can clean up dust but you can’t change its composition. That is, unless you move. Or make some changes in the pets and people you live with.

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