
今日主題:Wildlife Tourism Could Be "Domesticating" Wild Animals  野生動物旅遊的馴化效應

洪欣老師推薦:托福聽力最好的課外教材:60-Second Science

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Wilderness protected areas get eight billion visitors a year. And that's just on land. Underwater reserves add millions more to the tally. Which, considering these are "protected" areas, seems like an insane number of people.

"It is insane." Dan Blumstein, a behavioral and conservation biologist at UCLA "Now remember some of these might be local parks. Please visit www.chinavoa.com to get more information. But a lot of people are going and seeking out natural areas annually around the world. And therefore the potential impact of this can be quite large."
“簡直太瘋狂了。”Dan Blumstein,是加州大學洛杉磯分校的一位行為和生物保護學家,他這樣說道:“人們需要切記這些區域中有一部分是地方公園。但是每年有很多人去世界各地遊覽並尋找這些自然區域。因此其潛在的影響力是非常大的。”

And the potential impact, to put it bluntly: "you know, does ecotourism make animals dumb?" Or, in other words: could our presence disrupt and change the instincts of wild animals, and ultimately, affect their survival? Blumstein and his colleagues surveyed literature on human-wildlife interactions all over the world, from chimpanzee ecotourism in Uganda, to elk and antelope gawking in the Grand Tetons. And they concluded that human tourism—no matter how well intentioned—might desensitize animals. Making them easier prey for poachers and predators.
潛在的影響力,坦率而言:“是生態旅遊讓動物們成了啞巴嗎?”或者,換而言之,我們的存在打擾並改變了野生動物的本能,並最終影響了他們的存在嗎? Blumstein和他的同事們調查了世界範圍內關於人和野生動物交際的文獻,例如烏干達的黑猩猩生態旅遊以及在大提頓公園的麋鹿和羚羊。並由此得出結 論,人類生態旅遊——無論人類的意圖是多麼的善意——都會讓動物們變大不再敏感。讓這些動物們易於被偷獵者和捕食者捕食。

A couple of mechanisms could be in play. There's what's called the "human shield" effect—predators are less likely to pounce when humans are around, making prey less vigilant, even after we leave. Or we might simply habituate prey to large noisy animals —like us—and thus render them more susceptible to predators later.

"It does seem that we may be, inadvertently or advertently, domesticating animals through tourism and wildlife tourism and ecotourism." The review is in the journal Trends in Ecology & Evolution.

Now this paper isn't direct proof that tourism is actually desensitizing animals—it's just a theory at this point. "What we have is we have all the pieces of the puzzle sort of lining up, and we articulate a pathway by which this could be an issue. Is it, and under what conditions? We don't know, and our paper really is a rallying cry for more research on the topic." Research that will hopefully give land managers the tools they need to convince us humans not to love the world's wildlife to death.
現在該篇論文並不能直接證明生態旅遊能直接馴化動物——在某種程度上這僅是一個理論。“我們現在已經蒐集整理了大量的此類的謎題,我們猜測這可能是一個研 究的問題。這會成為研究的話題嗎,需要何種條件呢?我們無從可知,而實際上我們的論文急需更多關於此方面的研究。”希望研究會給土地管理員所需要的工具讓 我們人類相信,人類並不想讓世界上的野生動物消失殆盡。

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